mardi 2 août 2016

Working Tarot and Christianity

I use Tarot when I need advice. I do it for myself. Occasionally I have done a reading as fun for others to illustrate how it works. I am 67 and have had the same deck since my late teens.

I get Christians (some in my own family) warning me that Satan can lure people who dabble in the magic arts into the dark side.

I know the explanation of cold readings and confirmation bias. I generally get down to specifics quite quickly.

Here are some guidelines and observations I have picked up.

1. A belief is not required.
2. Good and evil "forces" can influence readings (as with other spirit related stuff|)
3. It does not work when "tested".
4. It can help in situations where there is no logical or intuitive information to guide ones actions in a situation.
5. It should not be over-used, or become a "crutch".
6. It does not always work, but a 75 to 90 percentage positive outcome is better than 50/50 blind guesses.
7. The vast majority of "professional" readers have no spiritual assistance, and their readings may or may not assist.
8. Most who have tried it for themselves find it does not work.

An example. As a lay litigant (I am an engineer) I was to appear in the High Court (yesterday) assisiting another in a legal matter. As part of the matter I am asking that a lawyer be ordered to pay costs. There has been "interference" and shenanigans to muddle the case. I needed to know what to expect before an appearance (my third after two dismissals - by postponements on silly technicalities and judicial discretion).

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