mercredi 2 novembre 2016

Election and Your Psychological Health

I think most can agree that this is a highly polarizing election. I have certainly seen rhetoric that either candidate will bring about disaster to the United States and many voters see this election in almost apocryphal terms. This is not something I have personally felt in an election before (been voting since '88).

If the opponent to your favored candidate wins, how do you deal with it on a personal level?

I favor Hillary and really fear a Trump presidency. I did not fear a George W. Bush presidency (even a second term) or fear a Romney or McCain presidency although I generally opposed their policies. I try to deal with this and focus on the facts of the American political system and that each branch is supposed to limit the power of the other branches. I would hope even a Republican controlled Congress would try to limit his excess and possible abuse of power and not simply rubber stamp a Trump presidency.

I would also request that you use the other threads created to argue about strengths of either candidates.

How to deal with Election Anxiety

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