mardi 1 novembre 2016

Make up a Hillary Campaign Ad

Ok, lets say you were wealthy and/or were running a SuperPac. You had a few extra $million. You could make up any campaign ad you want. (And since its a SuperPac you don't need to get approval or coordinate with the campaign.) What would you do?

(Note: I'm Canadian, so I don't really see many of the current election ads. So my apologies if any have been done).

Suggestion #1:
Show graphics of various republican leaders with quotes from them regarding racism with majestic, stately music... start with abe lincoln ("I am anti-slavery"). Perhaps one showing Regan establishing the Martin Luther King Holiday. Then, cut to donald trump... do a rapid-fire set of quotes/news clips... his "Mexicans are rapists". His "where's my black guy"... the confederate flag at one of his rallies, the video where a black guy was punched at one of his rallies.

Finish it with a a voice over along the lines of "Republicans...what happened to you?", or "Does Trump really represent you?"

Effect of the ad: It paints Trump in a bad light, but it also shows some of the more moderate/rational republicans that its not necessarily an attack on the party but on the candidate. Make them feel that they can still be "proud republicans" yet vote against Trump.

Suggestion #2:
Show a quote from Trump talking about how he "hand picked" teachers at Trump University. Then, show the news report of Broussard, who was working for Trump U. even though he had a conviction for child molestation. Finish off with a narration: "If you hand picked your staff, why did you choose a convicted felon?"

Effect of ad: keeps the Trump University scandal in people's minds, and brings into question either Trump's honesty (his claim of "hand pickng") or his judgement. (And highlighting Broussard might cause a few more of the Evangelicals to question Trump.)

So, anyone have any other ideas for campaign ads?

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