mardi 15 novembre 2016

Obama suggests Clinton didn't work as hard as he did


President Barack Obama didn’t quite blame his ally Hillary Clinton for causing her stunning loss to Donald Trump last week — but he chided her for not focusing on reaching out to white, non-urban voters like he did in 2008 and 2012.

Obama — about to hand off the presidency to a man whom he declared temperamentally unfit to serve — pointedly declined to endorse Clinton’s own explanation for her defeat, instead suggesting that the former secretary of state’s failure to “show up everywhere,” not just the big diverse cities she targeted in her final campaign push, proved to be her downfall.

“How we organize politically I think is something that we should spend some time thinking about. I believe that we have better ideas, but I also believe that good ideas don’t matter if people don’t hear them,” Obama told reporters Monday ahead of a foreign trip to Greece, Germany and Peru. “And one of the issues the Democrats have to be clear on is, given population distribution across the country, we have to compete everywhere. We have to show up everywhere. We have to work at a grass-roots level, something that’s been a running thread in my career.”

Obama outperformed Clinton substantially in most suburbs and in critical swing areas in the Midwest, like Michigan’s Oakland and Macomb counties.

Obama won't outright day it but I will. It is Hillary's fault that Donald Trump is going to the President of the United States. First her hubris of running with all of her baggage (I think most of it is BS, but still it must have hurt her - optics matter, at least with someone as uncharismatic as her) and second focusing on big cities she was going to win by big margins anyway. Third trying to embarrass Trump by competing in states she didn't need like my state of Arizona (though in that case she did close the gap some). She basically ceded the rural vote to Trump. Who no matter what else you say about him worked his ass off campaigning.

There are surely many people that voted for Obama at least once that voted for Trump. Certainly, it would be ridiculous to say that these people are all racists.

Anyway, Hillary needs to disappear from the politics forever. And all the senior staff on her campaign. And all the senior staff at the DNC. And the Democrats should never nominate someone that people don't like on the basis that it is his/her turn (or whatever) ever again.

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