After Charlottesvill, there is a lot of talk about neo-Nazis, alt-right, racists, etc. I wrote a post about it, but decided it was off topic for the thread it was in, and, really, in any of the threads. So I decided to start a thread on the overall topic of the extreme versions of racism in the US today.
I'll begin by saying that I don't really take these people seriously. Maybe I should, but I don't. I think their ideology has been thoroughly discredited, and they are losing. They may appear to be more prominent than they used to be because they stick out more than they used to. Racisim, in general, is less acceptable than it used to be, and some people who used to just be casual racists have been feeling social pressure against them, which they never used to feel, and have reacted by going full Nazi. I don't see it as a rising trend, but rather the death throes of a former and not-lamented way of life.
That is not to say there is no racism in the US or the world today, just that this sort of blatant, outright, racism represented by the KKK, white supremacists, white nationalists, or whatever they call themselves, is no longer acceptable. Within my lifetime, a segregationist ran for president, as a segregationist, and got millions of votes. That wouldn't happen today, and even that segregationist repudiated his former beliefs before he died. The ideology is mostly dead, and good riddance. What we see today are the remnants struggling for significance in an atmosphere where most people see them as a nuissance.
To end, here is the post I originally made in another thread, in response to a post in that thread.
Originally Posted by CaptainHowdy (Post 11968282)
No, the discussion is the Charlottesville Car Crash Video. But since you asked, Ill try to explain it again from the beginning: people here (and in every media outlet around the world) use White Nationalist, White Supremacist, neo-Nazi, and Nazi interchangeably to describe the protesters at Charlottesville. That's wrong. They're not the same. White Nationalism isn't White supremacism. It's not Nazism. White Nationalism isn't inherently racist
Uhhh..yeah it is. Really. It is.
And there isn't a hill of beans worth of difference between the various categories you say are different.
. White Nationalism is the moral equivalent of Zionism.
Now, that's a complicated topic. Is Zionism inherently racist? Is Zionism not inherently racist, but in practice it is racist? Is Zionism racist at all? Those questions don't have easy answers.
However, what is clearly true is that Zionism was born of the fact that a people were persecuted for their relitigious and/or ethnic differences for some 2000 years, and finally murdered by the millions, wiping out a significant part of their worldwide population and nearly all of the population from certain areas where they had been numerous. If you can show me anything remotely similar that has happened to white people, then there could be a coherent and intelligent comparison between white nationalism and zionism. However, you cannot. There is nothing similar, and nothing worth comparing.
One of the huge differences between white nationalism and zionism is that there is no such thing as "white culture". It doesn't exist. So what is it that white nationalists want? Skin color isn't culture. White nationalists don't want some separate autonomous area where they are free to do their white things without fear. They don't even want a separate area where everyone living there does the same things as everyone else. The black people they would expel from the white "homeland" would be people who do the same things they do, but they do it with dark skin.
It's just nonsense.
ETA: And, note to
mods. If you feel this thread is insufficiently different from one of the Charlottesville-inspired threads, and doesn't warrant a new thread, I won't be offended if you move the post, or even remvoe the thread. My opinion was that it was a derail from where I originally posted it, so I put it in a new thread.