samedi 26 août 2017

Did cheese lead to smaller skulls?

University of Californai scientists believe eating dairy products has given us smaller skulls and hands. This is because before, in the Paleolithic Age, we were Hunter-Gatherers having to forage for food and needed strong jaws to chomp it. Our jaws are also supposedly weaker.

Bearing in mind vegetables then were wild and much smaller than the one we know of. There were small carrots and onions are very ancient. No doubt tearing off the flesh of uncooked red deer (the remains of their bones are often found in caves).

Then came the Neolithic Age some 10K years ago, and the Hunter-Gatherers were pushed up North as the Agricultural Farmers migrated into Europe and brought food processing and cooking technologies. Hence less need for strong jaws and strong muscles generally.

Our closest relative in the Primate Tree - no pun intended - the chimpanzee has extraordinarily strong arms, compared to us. Of course they do use them for ambulation.


Humanity's appetite for cheese and dairy gave us smaller hands and weakened our jaws, according to researchers.
A study by The University of California claims farming - especially dairy the kind centred on dairy - significantly changed the shape of human skulls.
This is because humans who hunting and forage wild foods instead of farming have to put more effort into chewing than those that rely on softer diets of cheese and cereal.

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How plausible do people think this is? Have societies all over the world taken up dairy farming?

I always understood it was only North Europeans who remained lactose tolerant beyond childhood.

This is because due to the extremely cold winter months and scarcity of food, milk products and smoked food became very important.

Cultured milk is far more popular in the far north countries than elsewhere in Europe - although I understand kefir, a similar cultured drink, is popular in the Indian sub continent. Leading on from cultured milks, we get butter and the various cheeses.

Also important was hard breads, which don't go stale, salted herring, and smoked meat and fish.

Would this really lead to less chomping?

I am not convinced.

Are there any cultures which do not use dairy products (for example, vegan societies) which we can compare notes with?

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