vendredi 18 août 2017

Limits to the free exchange of ideas?

Discussions about whether universities should allow white supremacists to have a platform is popular these days. However, I have to ask, what about someone from NAMBLA? How many people would defend them having a platform?

Free speech advocate Milo Yiannopoulos criticized Salon publishing an article written by a pedophile. This pedophile did not try to justify relationships between adults and children but argued that the hysteria over pedophiles only makes it harder for pedophiles to come out and get the help they need, thereby putting children more at risk. Certainly that could be an interesting discussion for defenders of the free exchange of ideas.

In another twist of irony, Milo himself would be disinvited from conservative circles for his own comments. Apparently, attacking transgender people is free speech, but suggesting that 14 year olds can consent to sex with adults is crossing the line for these people.

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