I'm not sure whether this belongs in the main Brexit thread, but having a look in I didn't want to interrupt the conversation.
I just wanted to get the viewpoints and educate myself a bit on the left wing arguments for Brexit. I ask as this is quite new to me and I have a few friends who are pro-Brexit but describe themselves as socialists. There is some debate on whether Corbyn is a closet Brexiteer and to me, given his record, it seems very likely.
So I understand that the Bennite wing of the Left believe the EU to be a broadly capitalist network (to go further, conspiracy) that seeks to exploit the labour of underpaid workers from poorer nations to benefit their own and undercut wages. Am I right?
Secondly, from a left wing perspective, is this ********?
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I'm not sure whether this belongs in the main Brexit thread, but having a look in I didn't want to interrupt the conversation.
I just wanted to get the viewpoints and educate myself a bit on the left wing arguments for Brexit. I ask as this is quite new to me and I have a few friends who are pro-Brexit but describe themselves as socialists. There is some debate on whether Corbyn is a closet Brexiteer and to me, given his record, it seems very likely.
So I understand that the Bennite wing of the Left believe the EU to be a broadly capitalist network (to go further, conspiracy) that seeks to exploit the labour of underpaid workers from poorer nations to benefit their own and undercut wages. Am I right?
Secondly, from a left wing perspective, is this ********?
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