mercredi 30 août 2017

What's with the CTer's victim thing?

Why do so many conspiracy theorists paint themselves as victims?

We have been reading a lot of editorials here in the States admonishing those of us who protest the alt.right/neo-nazis/KKK/white supremacists to do so in completely no-violent ways. These editorials point out that the neo-nazis have borrowed a page form Hitler's playbook by playing up any violence, no matter how minor, as the victimization of their movement, which they claim is non-violent and patriotic. Specifically, Americans are being asked not to use or mimic anti-fa's methods.

Those us who have studied the rise of Nazism in 1920' and 1930's Germany know that the Nazis loved to provoke violence, particularly from German communists, during Nazi rallies and then claim they were peaceful and patriotic Germans who had been victimized by the bad old commies.

Subsequent oppressions of Jews, minorities, Jehovah Witnesses. . .the list goes on. . .were justified by violent or destructive acts, often staged by the Nazis, against the German state.

I point this out because it seems the Canadian freeman movement has hooked up with the Canadian alt.right. We are all familiar with, and been amused by, the freeman propagandist's practice of making freemen into victims whose lives have been ruined over a mere parking ticket or municipal tax bill.

We are all familiar with the nazi apologist, holocaust denying efforts of the World Freeman Society.

But recently freeman/sovcit forums and Facebook pages have shared hyperbolic alt. right whines like this one making the rounds:

One has to wonder if the freeman subculture has joined with the neo-nazi/alt.right in a culture of victimhood. After nearly two decades of failure is it possible that the freeman subculture has tacked right in an attempt to remain relevant? This wouldn't be the first time freemanary has tried to latch on to a movement. We all recall freemanary's attempt to steal the thunder of the Occupy Movement if for no other reason than to recount Bobby Menard being upstaged by a balloon at an Occupy gathering.

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