mardi 31 juillet 2018

Better Gas Mileage leads to greater risks!

Yes folks, you heard it here first, better fuel economy will allow you to drive more miles and increase your risk of being in a car accident....

Is there no end to the stoopid of Dolt 45 and his sycophants?

Compounding a Bad (Email) Choice

Almost seven years ago, changing from a company I'd worked with for fifteen years (and had the same email address wherever I moved in the world), I opted to mimic the address structure of firstname.lastname@ I have business contacts that date back forty years and my name is relatively unique. So it seemed logical as I could tell all my current contacts and coworkers "Same address just change the domain to".

And it worked, but less and less over the years. I also (stupidly) used the same address for consulting and for our coffee shop business. Typical dumbass move, not wanting to have to remember to check three to five email addresses.

Oh, and really (not) clever? Typical business user...I saved a signature that included my mobile number.

What all of this has achieved is the anyone who can do a little digging (or who I tell to stop annoying me via email) sees my firstname.lastname and my phone number. That's usually sufficient to get phishers to at least make an attempt to hack into the account or to temp me with phishing scams.

What I want to do is:
Notify everyone in my directory (can be done on Gmail, I checked) that I am going to go a tad more incognito. Send out an email to "All" saying that in X days I will be at a new address and those of you who wish to stay in contact (either personal or business as I still do some consulting) will need to contact me at this address so I can provide you with the new one.

Does this sound feasible? I think the easiest is to create a second Gmail account and then delete the old one when I'm ready.

I've cleaned off the footer, though, so one clue (my phone #) is gone, at least. Should I maybe just set up an auto-response telling salesmen and undesirables to get off my lawn and not try to locate me, but you hot babes and swell people can ask a bunch of people you know know me and one of them will have already found me. Or I could tell 'em to check LinkedIn which has a closed messaging system so I can vet them before I give them the new email.

It'd sure be easier to just change your Gmail address but that's not really possible.

My major worry is not losing people. My major worry is all the damned little accounts we open on the internet where your email address is your ID in some form. I can't remember how many of those I have. Hell, I think my Google account and MS account ID me by my Gmail address plus password.

Any thoughts (no, I'm not getting a Mac nor changing to Linux)?

Question on new study of Great Pyramid

Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid: First multipole resonances and energy concentration

Say what? The report is noted in this rather error filled newspaper article:

Seriously what is this guy talking about?


In the conclusion: note that the excitation of the Pyramid with shorter incident wavelengths, than considered here, could result in the excitation of higher order resonances with strong field concentration effects. But it is out of the scope of the current work and will be a next step of our investigations

Running against Trump

Here are campaign ads from two Dems running in the Washington 8th district. The eighth is a bit of an oddity, with most of its population on the east side of Lake Washington, but extending across the mountain. Since its creation it's only had Republican representatives but has generally voted for Dems for President. Color it purple.

Anyhow, the incumbent, former Sheriff Dave Reichert is retiring and the seat is up for grabs. The three main Dems all seem to be running against Trump, more than the Republican Dino Rossi. Seems like a decent primary strategy, but what about the general? Jason Rittereiser goes the farthest, actually accusing trump of treason. The other two are both female physicians.

Jason Rittereiser
Kim Schrier

Can't find one from Shannon Hader. There's also one running, I think from Schrier, specifically targeting the NRA.

Note that this is not my district, I'm in the sixth. What's happening in your part of the country?

Sessions Religious Liberty Task Force

Or, in the non-doublespeak version, a task force intended to DECREASE the religious liberty of anyone who is not a white male evangelical Christian, especially the LGBTQ community.

Posting here rather than Politics because it seems more appropriate.

About the twitter reaction.
ACLU response.

We can only pray* that it meets with the same success as Kobach's election task force.

*See what I did there?

Putting Down "Uprising"

About a decade ago a former Canadian Forces officer, turned history, political science and security issues lecturer at Queens University wrote a book called "Uprising." In it, the author purported to write a fictionalized account of what a Canadian Civil War would look like with the First Nations on one side and the rest of Canada on the other. It was to be realistic, based on the author's extensive military experience, and depth of knowledge of the potential threat.

It was not well received.

The book is poorly written, full of outdated information about the CAF (some of the information appears to date from the time the author retired, or about 1990...) and chock to the brim with racist assumptions about the First Nations.

Yet it still got published.

One of my soldiers was been working through some of his own issues when he ended up reading this book. The blog I'm linking to here is his deconstruction of what is basically a well dressed version of The Turner Diaries. He's been savaging the writing style, the underlying premises and what this is telling us about the author.

It's an enjoyable deconstruction (the book, not so much) that some here might enjoy. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Putting Down Uprising.

Afrocentrism & Gavin Menzies - To be openly taught.

This has been reported by several archaological bloggers including Jason Colavito, Andy White & Carl Feaghans.

To quote Carl:

Quote: class that stands out from the rest as having a serious flaw: “The African and Chinese Presence in America Before Columbus.”

This lesson plan draws heavily on what has long been shown to be pseudoscientific works, specifically, the works of Ivan Van Sertima, beginning with his 1976 book titled, They Came Before Columbus: The African Presence in Ancient America (Random House). Two of his other works, equally pseudoscientific in nature, are listed as well: Early America Revisited (1998, Transaction Publishers); and African Presence in Early America (1999, Transaction Publishers). Also on the reading list is Gavin Menzies’ book, 1421: The Year China Discovered America (2004, Harper Perennial), which is another text that makes bold and specific claims without supporting evidence.

One thing worth underscoring before I dive into why this particular lesson plan is bad: most of the lesson plans on their site seem very appropriate. African American studies are a vital addition to our public schools and have many upsides. They promote healthy self-image for students of color and they educate white students on the realities of racial divides. And so much more.

But, as an archaeologist, I feel I have a responsibility to stand in the way of pseudoarchaeologists who would seek to marginalize other cultures—to rob them of their achievements—in favor of a preferred but false narrative. And i don’t pretend this is an original thought of my own as I read it long ago and was happy to see it quoted again in the well-sourced and written article in Current Anthropology (Haslip-Viera, Ortiz de Montellano, & Barbour 1997) which I lean heavily on in this article to show why Van Sertima and his Afrocentrist views are not only bad, they’re destructive for young students to be taught as historical fact.

Carl Feaghans Post

Andy White's Post

That's right, Afrocentrism of the 'Beethoven was a Negro' kind is moving out of the university 'African Studies' departments and into the high school classrooms.

The author of the lesson plan (Which has been removed from the Miami-Dade.) website also wanted students to consider Gavin Menzies claims about the Chinese and write 'persuasive' letters to text book publishers demanding that they include such material in their text books.

The political plot twist 2018 didn't know it needed

I came across this story this morning on Buzzfeed; it's too funny not to share.


On Sunday night, Leslie Cockburn, a Democrat running for a US House seat in Virginia, shared a tweet with a screenshot supposedly taken from her Republican opponent's Instagram account. The tweet showed Bigfoot with his private parts censored by a very long black box.

Denver Riggleman and Cockburn are running against each other in Virginia's 5th Congressional District, which includes the city of Charlottesville.

Cockburn, who is a journalist and author, is a first-time candidate who won the Democratic Party's nomination in the 2018 race. Riggleman is a distillery owner and former Air Force intelligence officer, who ran for governor in 2017 and has never held a seat in public office.


In her Tweet Sunday, Cockburn accused Riggleman of "campaigning with a white supremacist" — and also of being a "devotee of Bigfoot erotica."

Yes, we are now in a world where Bigfoot erotica (who here knew that sort of thing existed anyway? I've seen some weird erotica out there (dinosaur erotica comes to mind, which there isn't enough brain bleach to remove from my memory unfortunately) but Bigfoot?) is being used in an attempt to undermine a political opponent.

Does anyone else find the Democratic candidate's last name utterly ironic in this instance?

Had to share in an attempt to leaven the collective insanity coming out of the Trump administration; it ain't just there now!


Congratulations USA; we've officially jumped the shark.

lundi 30 juillet 2018

Koch Backed Medicare For All Study

The Koch brothers funded a study to determine the cost that a Sanders style Medicare for all system would cost the US and came to a whopping $32.6 Trillion over 10 years.


Research by the Mercatus Center at George Mason University — a libertarian think tank backed by the Koch brothers — projected that the Medicare for All plan championed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) would cost the government $32.6 trillion over 10 years. The highly critical report found that even doubling all federal individual and corporate income taxes would not cover the costs of Sanders’ Medicare for All plan.
Well there we go. The debate is over. How could we ever afford such a plan?


When we talk about a Medicare for All system, it’s important to discuss the costs in the context of what the U.S. already spends on health care. As of 2016, national health expenditures — which includes federal spending, state Medicaid programs, and private employer health care spending — totaled $3.3 trillion per year, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.

That means that over the next decade, the U.S. is projected to spend more than $33 trillion, plus inflation, on health care services without any changes to our current health care system, significantly more than Mercatus’s estimated $32.6 trillion cost to the federal government over the next ten years.
Oh... so we're already going to spend more than that with our current system without covering all the people who can't currently afford health insurance.

Well... even so... I'd rather shoot myself in the foot and ultimately pay more to cover less people if it means those undeserving freeloaders don't get healthcare.

Miami Tower Collapse Analysis - The Scientific Method

Many of you will have seen the Miami Beach Building Collapse this week on YouTube.

Now if you use the AE911TRUTH Scientific Method to evaluate this collapse then you get the following:

Sudden Onset of Destruction at Base of Structure

Straight Down, Symmetrical Footprint into base of Structure

Mid-air pulverization of concrete

Massive concrete blocks of concrete ejected across highway

Freefall speed Through Path of Greatest Resistance

Total Dismemberment of Structure

Minimal Damage to Adjacent Structures

Enormous Pyroclastic Like Clouds of Pulverized Concrete

So with such a comprehensive scientific approach it must have been CD

Plus we also have the Plasco Tower and the São Paulo tower collapses due to fire. No wonder they only have a handful of misguided scientists supporting them.

Any Previous Investigation of This Aulis Article?

A conspiracy theorist needed to change the subject when it was proved that he was wrong about the 16 mm DAC footage of the Apollo 11 LOR (shown at 24 pfs, but shot at 1 fps), so he linked to this September 2016 Aulis article.

Now I know that Aulis is a crap-show full of "experts" with highly dubious credentials, but I thought I'd see if anyone had done a thorough investigation of the claims made in the link, or even some of the claims made therein.

The eleven cultures of North America....

The writer contends that differences among Americans go beyond urban vs. rural and are rooted in the cultures that prevailed when the different regions of the U.S. were created:

Tracing our history, I’ve identified 11 nations, most corresponding to one of the rival European colonial projects and their respective settlement zones. I call them Yankeedom; New Netherland; the Midlands; Tidewater; Greater Appalachia; Deep South; El Norte; the Left Coast; the Far West; New France; and First Nation. These were the dominant cultures that Native Americans, African-Americans, immigrants and other vital actors in our national story confronted; each had its own ideals, assumptions and intents.

UK Foreign Secretary makes embarrassing gaffe

......and it wasn't even Boris:


The UK's new Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt is on an official visit to China - but an embarrassing gaffe is stealing the headlines instead.

Mr Hunt tried to get into his host's good books by mentioning that his wife is Chinese - but called her "Japanese" instead.

There's a really old joke about this:

It was doubtless an honest slip of the tongue but FFS, she's your own wife :boggled:

Can we please not have a complete bunch of utter incompetents in charge of our country :(

Secularisation precedes Economic Development


The findings revealed that secularisation precedes economic development and not the other way around. Although this does not demonstrate a causal pathway, it does rule out the reverse.

Furthermore, the findings show that secularisation only predicts future economic development when it is accompanied by a respect and tolerance for individual rights. Countries where abortion, divorce and homosexuality are tolerated have a greater chance of future economic prosperity.


Alex Bentley from the University of Tennessee, added: "Over the course of the 20th century, changes in importance of religious practices appear to have predicted changes in GDP across the world. This doesn't necessarily mean that secularization caused economic development, since both changes could have been caused by some third factor with different time lags, but at least we can rule out economic growth as the cause of secularization in the past."

Direct link to study:

Health/Wealth Inequality

Yet another article highlighting that the poor have much lower life expectancy than those who are well off:


The life expectancy gap between rich and poor people in England has been widening for nearly two decades.

The rich stay healthy longer. The poor die younger.

In this case the report is based on information from England, a country which has the NHS and where the benefits system has not yet been completely gutted (though by comparison to many European counties it's pretty poor).

This report makes me think twice because I spent my formative years in Middlesbrough (and suffered very poor health) until my parents moved to somewhere less than an hour away where my health was much better and where life expectancy for men is more than five years longer.

Infinite Sets and Probability

Suppose I awake in an unknown hotel room. The only clue as to my whereabouts is the fact that I know I'm in one of two sets of infinite hotel rooms: the Ritz set or the Motel 6 set. In the Motel 6 set, for every opulent room, there are a billion dingy ones. In the Ritz set, it's the opposite. The room I wake up in is opulent. Does this allow me to conclude I'm probably in the Ritz set, or does the fact there are just as many dingy rooms as opulent rooms (since there are an infinite amount of both types of rooms in both sets) make a probability calculus impossible?

dimanche 29 juillet 2018

Hard drive issues

Few days ago my computer seemed to die, Windows 7 would not start up, could not find any Windows Restore images, so I formatted the hard drive and reinstalled windows.

Windows 7 reinstalled, most things working just fine.

But whenever I restated computer all Windows Restore images seem to vanish and when I restart I get a message that I cannot boot from the drive, but when hit F1 Windows does start up. I did a drive check and get error 2000-0146, which means there is a drive error.

Thoughts? Oh by the way when I did reinstall Windows 7 there was an error saying there was no drive to install to and I had to "delete" and re-add the drives and then I could install Windows 7.

Thanks for any help.

GOP Gerrymandering in Michigan

Looks like we've got more direct confirmation of intentional gerrymandering in Michigan, now.


Emails have emerged in a federal lawsuit that suggest Republicans gerrymandered congressional districts in Michigan in 2011 to maintain an advantage over Democrats, despite years of claims the lines are drawn without political bias.

The lawsuit references private emails that allegedly show one Republican aide saying a Macomb County district is shaped like “it’s giving the finger to (Democratic U.S. Rep.) sandy levin. I love it.” Another email from a GOP staffer was said to brag about cramming “Dem garbage” into four southeast Michigan congressional districts.

In a third email, a longtime Michigan Chamber of Commerce executive predicts the maps will keep Republicans in power for years — and implies the 4th Congressional District in the central Lower Peninsula was drawn to the wishes of Dave Camp, a longtime Republican congressman from Midland who has since retired.

Panic at the Mall: Misreports of an "active shooter."

Yesterday my wife and I were at La Plaza Mall. We were picking up some cakes at the new Carlo's Bakery that opened up there for her birthday party. As we were in line, I started noticing people looking around with concern and then running towards the door. My first thoughts were that they were part of a Mexican shopping tour group, which is very common here, who were about to miss their bus. There were others in the store and in the area who didn't seem concerned at all. But then a man came around the corner by the bakery, holding his crying kids tightly saying, "There's a shooter, get out!" My wife didn't see or hear that so I just grabbed her and said, "Let's go. Now." She was confused but she heard the panic in my voice and followed me out.

Outside, the police were showing up in force, but at the opposite end of the mall. Other people were just arriving at this mall entrance and walking in. There was absolutely no police or security presence at our end of the mall. As people were milling about, I heard them talking about what was supposedly going on inside. I heard that there was a shooting at the food court, that there were 3 shooters running around randomly killing people, that there were shooters picking people off from the garage, that there was one guy with a machine gun, etc. I just got my wife to the car, which was thankfully nearby, and left the mall -my wife is freaking out at this point and my heart and mind are racing. Weirdly, traffic leaving the mall is sparse and we made a quick exit.

My wife was checking Twitter and Facebook and all kinds of stories were going around. The Sheriff's Department put out a message to avoid the area due to an active shooter. People were reporting all kinds of stuff.

Well . . . turns out there was no shooting at all. It was 7 guys who stormed into a high end jewelry store. It isn't even clear that they were armed with real guns; I've seen reports that they had BB Guns. They smashed a glass case and perhaps that triggered the reports of shooting. It looks to me like one of the stupidest robbery attempts ever. How did they think they would get away with it?

I just thought this was an interesting study in how these kinds of things develop. Initial reports cannot be trusted. Even the Sheriff's department got it wrong. Not even within the mall itself did there seem to be good communication to the stores.

samedi 28 juillet 2018

Gweneth Paltrow. The 'science' of Goop?

An interesting - dare I say progression of her delusions - is written about in this story. I suppose I should pity her in a way, wealth - not so much - but insanity, yes. She has "gone woo" in a place so high I thought Jenny McCarthy was replaced in woo-status. Poor Jenny, and poor ill Gwen.

To be fair, I didn't really follow all that Goop is intended to do for your benefit. I just know I'm not interested.

Do sim cards wear out?

When replacing a cell phone (same provider, same number, same account) is there any reason not to just plug the old sim card into the new phone? Or is it worth the trouble of using the new card and transferring the number through the provider?

Sat at home while looking like Marsellus Wallace...

The Independent: Ving Rhames held at gunpoint by police in own home after neighbour reported break in by 'large black man'

"Ving Rhames has revealed he was held at gunpoint by police officers in his own home after a neighbour reported a “large black man” had broken in to the property.

Appearing on radio station Sirius XM, the Mission Impossible star recounted the incident after being asked to describe his personal experiences of racism.

Rhames, 59, said his ordeal occurred one afternoon earlier this year while relaxing at his home in Santa Monica, California.

While watching TV in “a pair of basketball shorts only”, Rhames said he heard a knock. After opening his door, “there’s a red dot pointed at my face from a 9mm, and they say, ‘Put up your hands’.”

The Hollywood actor said he was taken outside with his hands up and surrounded by four officers – one a police captain - and a police dog. The situation was only defused, he said, when the captain recognised Rhames because their children played against each other in an inter-school sports competition."

What is the most horrible form of execution in history?

This must be in the running of 'execution most horrible':


On November 14, Friedrich was executed on the wheel at the Severinstor in Cologne . His arms and legs were smashed, then he was braided onto the wheel and put on a stone pillar. He died the following day and was left to feed the birds. In the realm of legend belongs the tradition from the 16th century, his bones were buried in a chapel near Essen-Bredeney.
This was as a result of the murder accredited to Friedrich von Isenberg of Engelbert I. von Berg , the Archbishop of Cologne, on November 7, 1225. Friedrich himself was originally said to have been a clergyman who resigned to join up with the knighthood as the the heir to the then title was believed to be away, missing on a crusade.


Friedrich von Isenberg , Count of Isenberg, also called Friedrich de Novus Ponte (* before 1193, † November 14, 1226 in Cologne ), was the son of Arnold von Altena , the count of Altena († after 1205) and Mechthild of Holland (others Sources also mention Mathilde of Holland or Mathilde of Cleve as wife [1] ). Its headquarters was the castle Isenberg near Hattingen . He left his uncle 2nd degree Engelbert I. von Berg , the Archbishop of Cologne, on November 7, 1225 in a ravine in today's Gevelsberg invaded by followers. Because of his death, he was arrested and executed.
The murdered archbishop was a popular figure and his death caused an uprising.

The back story is:


Friedrich traveled to Rome in 1226 with his brothers Dietrich ( bishop in Münster ) and Engelbert ( bishop's choice in Osnabrück ), as well as the Isenberg "Notarius" to Rome to the Curia . Dietrich and Engelbert wanted to undo their suspension and be put back in their offices, but this did not happen. However, Frederick could evidently persuade the pope of his immediate innocence of the crime, since the church spell imposed by Konrad was abolished in Rome. [20] However , this did not change anything about Friedrich's freedom from the birds and persecution in the Reich.

On the way back he moved to Liège lodging. There he was recognized by a noble named Balduin of Gennep. He invited Friedrich to a meal and took him prisoner. He sold it to the Count von Geldern for 2,100 marks of silver. Friederich was brought to Cologne. The archbishop had received a reward for the capture.

Japan plans to release wedding space junk from ISS

I am in shock over a news article that tells how a Japanese hotel company plans to offer newlyweds at their hotels to have their names inscribed on titanium plaques that is then brought to the ISS and released in a cubesat:

OK, I can understand that the hotel company wants to draw attention to their hotels, but I can't understand why the Japanese space agency cooperates in releasing useless space junk.

It reminds me of the so-called love locks that garnish bridges all over the world, causing ugliness and even damage to the bridges. Now we can have it in space too.

The inventiveness is unlimited when space is going to be utilized: we have heard of plans to release "art" that will be visible over most of the world, huge mirrors to illuminate cities at night, and even meteor showers to be released on demand (

vendredi 27 juillet 2018

Libertarian Free Will In Ten Seconds Flat

A month ago, I watched a twenty two minute video on science philosophy, and in the last two minutes they mentioned an experiment performed back in 2008 that showed scientists could predict the decision made by a test subject ten seconds before they made it. I think the paper’s title was “Unconscious Determinants Of Free Decisions In The Human Brain.” The idea that Free Will exists in the real world brings up exciting possibilities.

Let’s say you decide, you want to go to restaurant. A robotic butler could in a microseconds compute your decision, and in the next ten seconds before you make up your mind, bring you your hat, coat, and maybe an umbrella, if it’s raining outside. Heading there, your self driving car pre-calculates your decision on which restaurant you want to eat in and takes you there. While at the restaurant you start thinking about buy shares of stock, before you place an order on your cell phone, it notifies agents at the electronic market ten seconds before of your intent to buy, so shares for the right price show up. In short, a world with no waiting.

Anyway, here’s the video.


Police conduct

Lord knows, we’ve seen a lot of threads on police MISconduct. In them, I sometimes make the case that there is a danger of hastily generalizing isolated cases to make a point about such behavior being common, or even endemic. That it’s hard to measure the extent of the problem without some idea of the number of police encounters that proceed professionally, to establish the ratio of good vs bad encounters.

Here’s a single data point:

Yesterday, I was taking a back road shortcut to an appointment in rural N GA. At an intersection were four police cars. They were conducting a driver’s license check and an officer walked up as I rolled down my window. I immediately said, “Be aware, there’s a 9mm on my passenger seat”. I had put it there temporarily, planning to secure it when I left the car. The officer said, “No problem, just don’t reach for it”. I told him I had a Concealed Weapons Permit, and he replied none would even be necessary for a gun in plain sight. A minute later, he returned my license and said “Have a nice day”. And that was that.

I will stipulate that if I had acted nervously, or maybe just been a minority, things might have gone differently. But encounters like this occur thousands of times a day with no fanfare or public awareness. Just something to keep in mind.

Why mutagens and radiation are safer than GM

Mods; please do not move to science this is not a discussion of the science but of the public and legal attitudes to science.

The EU has quite strict rules on genetic modification, GM foods are effectively banned. Historically new strains were generated by subjecting seeds to radiation or mutagenic chemicals that produced random mutations. plant breeders would then grow hundreds of mutants and select those with mutations of interest. The blood grapefruit was an example of a radiation induced mutation. There were literally gamma gardens with a cobalt radiation source in the centre to irradiate the plants and lead to mutants.
More recently GM came on line. In this whole genes were taken from one organism and inserted in another organism to transfer a valued characteristic from one species to another. this produced so called Frankenstein foods. This was strongly opposed by pressure groups in Europe to such an extent that it was effectively outlawed for commercial use by the EU. There is no very clear rationale for this. part of the argument is that it 'commercialises' food by allow new strains to be patented, but this was possible with chemical or radiation produced mutants. Partly it appears to be simple opposition to big (agri) business. Partly it appears to be some sort of spiritual concept of the purity of species that would be seen as extreme right wing if used about human races. (All species have mixed genetics, humans have essential genes acquired from viruses and bacteria, there is no such thing as a pure species).

Now there is the technology to specifically alter the natural genes in an organism, to increase or decrease the activity or alter the gene product. The European Court of Justice has just ruled that this type of gene editing should be considered as gene modification and be effectively out lawed in the EU. Yet the court has also said that the entirely random multiple mutations produced by radiation or chemicals are safe as the technique has been long established.
It seems to me that it is utterly irrational to say that unpredictable random mutations produce less risk than precise predictable mutations. This sort of neo-luddite approach to new technology by the EU will seriously damage the economy in the long run. future advances in biological science, pharmaceuticals and agriculture will be driven by gene editing. This decision seems to have been driven by a small vocal majority..

So I have had my rant at the stupidity of the EU and the anti-GM movement.

Nematodes alive after 40,000 years in the ice

Sounds unbelievably long, as even the tardigrades' record endurance in a dormant state was 120 years.


Samples of permafrost sediment frozen for the past 40,000 years were recently thawed to reveal living nematodes.
Within weeks the roundworms began to move and eat, setting a record for the time an animal can survive cryogenic preservation....

Russian biologists dug up more than 300 samples of frozen soil of different ages and locations throughout the Arctic and took them back to their lab in Moscow for a closer look.

Some of the worms – belonging to the genus Panagrolaimus – were found 30 metres (100 feet) underground in what had once been a ground squirrel burrow which caved in and froze over around 32,000 years ago.

Others from the genus Plectus were found in a bore sample at a depth of around 3.5 metres (about 11.5 feet). Carbon dating was used to determine that sample to be about 42,000 years old.

Contamination can't be ruled out, but the researchers maintain they adhered to strict sterility procedures.

jeudi 26 juillet 2018

If millennials voted as much as boomers

How much would things change?

Only 28% of millennials polled are planning to vote in mid-terms. If they voted more, I'd imagine we'd have more progress in terms of healthcare, climate change ect and conservative Republicans would trouble being elected dog-catcher. Unfortunately the baby boomers still have control of the political establishment.

The Endless Font of Conspiracies

Today I learned the following from a new hire at my work:
  1. 9/11 was faked. In particular, there was no plane that hit the Pentagon and the towers were clearly controlled demolitions.
  2. You don't actually need to have a drivers license to drive, or any kind of license to do anything.
  3. You can buy things using your social security number, because the government (which is a corporation) keeps money in a special secret account that should be yours by right.
  4. Amazon accepts Secret Government SSN Account as payment, though it may get reversed afterwards.
  5. Nobody has ever gone to the moon.
  6. The Earth IS round, probably, although the flat earthers do make some really good points.
  7. We have advanced cloning technology, and celebrities have used it. Magic Johnson, George W. Bush, Dave Chappelle, etc.
  8. Our government is in control of the whole world.
  9. Despite this, most of our taxes go to the Queen of England.
  10. That shooting in Vegas? Yeah that's some sort of government conspiracy.
  11. Enemy of the State with Will Smith was, essentially, a documentary.
  12. ISIS is entirely run by the CIA.
  13. MKUltra is responsible for any number of odd behavior by any number of people in some vague way.

Who knows what knowledge tomorrow will bring?

NZ Armed Offenders Crash 5 year old's Birthday Party

Police, some dressed in riot gear, attended a 5-year old's Birthday party after he rang 111 multiple times.

(Yeah the heading was click bait.) ;)

[Split Thread] Electronic voting

I wish we'd get over our fear of online voting. 99% of America has a web capable device near literally grafted to them every waking moment of their life and even for the small percentage that don't that just means nearly every home, office, library, and internet cafe becomes a voting booth.

Voting website opens a 8 a.m. Eastern Standard time on a Monday and closes at 8 p.m Eastern Standard time the following Saturday. You login to the website and it gives you breakdown all your eligible elections. You pick the candidates, hit a big "Vote" button. Sign out. That's over 5 full days where the only requirement is "Get to some kind of online capable device for maybe 5 minutes" Over night on Saturday all the votes can be tallied, on Sunday verified by some external auditing system to give people the warm and fuzzy, and the results announced Sunday night.

mercredi 25 juillet 2018

Something in sent file I didn't send

How does that happen?

There's no way I sent this to anyone. There's not even a message, just a bunch of numbers.

ng-u-3- 102886913- 8684331- 13274882- d93fcdef @ australia. care2. com

Jul 10 at 10:26 AM

I put spaces in there to disable it whatever it is. No subject and no message.

Help, WTF is that?

Thanks in advance.

Yep cops love to hurt people.

"Sheriff’s Deputy Sandra Rincon was celebrated with a tiara, a “princess” plate, and a cake with the number “50” on top. The number, however, wasn’t her age. It referred to the number of times she had used force against prisoners, ranging from handcuffing to punching and kicking. She was the winner of what one of the county jailers called a “fight club,” crowning whoever used force most often as the champion."

Our heroes got to get them beatings in, that is what makes one a good cop, loving to hurt people.

(Former?) forum member in the news.

Former (though still registered in good standing I believe) member in the news:

Death Penalty: Pt XXIV

I've always had the opinion that one is either for or against capital punishment, and that the number of victims or manner of killing, is irrelevant.

Yet, there are two separate cases at the moment where people seem to have drawn a line that some crimes are horrific enough to warrant the death penalty as an exception - the ISIS Poms and Japanese cult leader.

Those cases have been enough for people to say things like:


These people are cold blooded murderers; they don't deserve to live, to occupy space on the planet or to breathe the air the rest of us do.

(NOTE: I am generally against the death penalty, but not in this case)
Lots of people are cold-blooded murderers, so where is the line drawn?

Note: if you're pro-capital punishment, your views are irrelevant, so feel free to leave them in your head. I'm interested in finding out where the line is that means people who don't support the death penalty will allow for its use.

Norway seems to have no problem with the worst mass-murderer this century not being put to death, and neither do I.

The difference is stark: if the ISIS Poms are executed, they will become martyrs to their cause, while Brievik alive but behind bars is a laughing-stock.

Liquid water 'lake' revealed on Mars

This is the lead story on the BBC news site as I type.


Researchers have found evidence of an existing body of liquid water on Mars.

What they believe to be a lake sits under the planet's south polar ice cap, and is about 20km (12 miles) across.

Previous research found possible signs of intermittent liquid water flowing on the martian surface, but this is the first sign of a persistent body of water on the planet in the present day.

Lake beds like those explored by Nasa's Curiosity rover show water was present on the surface of Mars in the past.

However, the planet's climate has since cooled due to its thin atmosphere, leaving most of its water locked up in ice.

The result is exciting because scientists have long searched for signs of present-day liquid water on Mars, but these have come up empty or yielded ambiguous findings. It will also interest those studying the possibilities for life beyond Earth - though it does not yet raise the stakes in the search for biology.

The discovery was made using Marsis, a radar instrument on board the European Space Agency's (Esa) Mars Express orbiter.

SpaceX Iridium Next Launch Booster landing risky

If you read this in time in the next 10 min or so, go to...

and you might catch the crash of a landing booster. The webcast announcer says that there is high windshear the the last 1000 feet over the Pacific drone ship "Just Read the Instructions" that will make the landing "very iffy"

mardi 24 juillet 2018

Roland Emmrich is making a movie on The Battle of Midway


And in more recent news, he has cast Woody Harrerlson as Nimitz:

So now the guy who gave us such masterpieced of Historical Accuracy as "The Patriot" and "Anoymous" tackles World War 2.

Be afraid. Be very Afraid.

The 1976 film has it's flaws, but it will be masterpiece compared to this certain to be POS.

Wildfires in Greece

Stay safe GlennB and MrsB


At least 50 people are feared dead in wildfires burning in the Attica region around Athens, in Greece's worst fire crisis in more than a decade.

lundi 23 juillet 2018

Can states regulate their own enviornment?

So, basic question. Should a state, say....Idaho, which has a particular environmental problem, be able to set environmental regulation that is more severe than federal guidelines?

If you think they should have that right, well, congratulations you are now in opposition to the new Trump policy which aims to prevent California from being able to set its own automobile emission standards to combat smog.

That will bring out more liberal tears!

Right wing hit list and obsession

The right wing has a list of targets.

They got James Gunn fired and now they are after....
Rob Reiner
Ron Perlman
Patton Oswalt
Rian Johnson
Lloyd Kaufman and
...Brain Singler?

Well, that is quite the list of new targets. But I'd like to point out that while 4chan goes after them for....whatever dumb reasons their infested minds concoct there is a real target that the right wing mainstream media is obsessed with... Alexandra Ocasio Cortez.

Remember her? I wouldn't fault you if you don't. She basically was a talking point the night she unexpectedly won her primary and then has largely disappeared from sight. That is...unless you are consuming right wing news. If you watch Fox News or read anything in Breitbart it is all Cortez all the time. They seem to love this young lady. They just can't get enough of her.

Anyways, I thought I would just alert everyone to the new right wing obsessions.

5-HTP enzymes?

A friend has been taking these supplements for about 10 days.

They were given to her by a "holistic doctor". That's what got my attention. So, does anyone know anything about these? Are they safe? Most of what I've found is promotional and possibly misleading.

How will cities flood following the rise in sea levels ?

Assuming I'm still alive and living in London in 2050 or beyond, how will the city flood? Will it come all in one go or be very very gradual?

Should the ISIS 'Beatles' be Executed?

We all agree their act of beheading and videotaping 'foreign' journalists and support workers on a global level was shocking and indefensible. Of course, the perpetrators deserve to be strung up. It's interesting how so many convicted murderers suddenly value life and mercy when it comes to their own!

However, this is more an ethical constitutional question. The death penalty has been abolished in the UK. In addition, by the recent 2014 Nationality Act, a person's British citizenship can be removed. This is what has happened in this case. The ISIS formerly British defendants are now stateless, and are expected to be handed over to Guantanamo Bay for execution.

I always understood that the British government could not remove a person's British nationality if it would leave that individual stateless. The defendants have protested against their stateless status.

Yes, there is strong feeling that the 'scum' should be torn limb from limb. That aside, is it right that the British government should cross over the 'ethical' line? As Hume said, this could be the slippery slope...

In ethics, you should not give an inch to being unethical.


Britain has scrapped its opposition to the death penalty and torture camp Guantanamo Bay, it was reported last night.

It has been revealed the UK government have agreed to share information on the so-called Beatles jihadists with America so they can be prosecuted under their laws, according to the Daily Telegraph.

Alexanda Kotey and Shafee El-Sheikh have British citizenship but will be tried in the US courts for their part in Isis activities amid concern the UK lacks robust terrorism laws.

Sajid Javid, the Home Secretary, wrote in a letter to the American Attorney General Jeff Sessions that Britain will not need ‘assurances’ that the pair will avoid the death penalty, the Telegraph reported.

(NB Not sure the DM is correct about their being 'British' any more.)

Two Party Politics - How should we elect our leaders?

This came up in another thread and I thought discussing this topic merited it's very own thread.


Originally Posted by xjx388 (Post 12358011)
-we need a strong two-party system.


Originally Posted by Segnosaur (Post 12358046)
I agree that the U.S. needs a strong 2-party system.

No, no and furthermore. No.

The US, like the UK, needs a strong voting system.

The two party system is fundamentally broken and the FPTP voting system that we use gives us two party politics, and that shortchanges us a lot.

Voting is like a false dichotomy. Vote red or vote blue. Don't like either candidate? tough.

If instead people could vote red, blue, purple, yellow, orange or green then our governments would more accurately represent the electorate, filibustering and rabid partisanship and gerrymandering is much harder to accomplish.

If you look at the US and the UK there are presently no stand out candidates from any party that you think "hey they'd make a great President/PM" I think that's also a symptom of 2 party politics.

If a given party had to beat out several other parties that all had reasonable chances of being elected then you would need to focus more on positive campaigning to point out what you would do to help, rather than negative campaigning and belittling the other party, as there is now more than one main rival party.
Also if a spectrum of political parties existed then more people would be inspired and enthused to join/lead a political party (it's hard to be a charismatic leader if you don't firmly believe in the ideals of that party) and we would have potentially more stand out candidates/politicians to represent us.

Trump desperately wants to push that button

The button being much bigger than Kim Jong-Un's.

I've thought for some time that he just wants to nuke someone, and that seems to have been confirmed today with his insane Tweet at the Iranian president.

Did he go all caps at NK?

He certainly seemed to be throwing his considerable weight around today and like all bullies, he wants to use his favourite weapon and is desperately looking for an excuse to do so.

What are the odds Trump tries to launch a nuke attack during his reign presidency?

(I'd have him as short as 4:1)

dimanche 22 juillet 2018

This time Canada, mass shooter in Toronto

14 or 15 shot, one dead plus shooter dead, one critical, victims include at least one kid

Toronto Sun: BREAKING: Fifteen people injured, gunmen among dead in mass shooting on Danforth

Fifteen people, including a nine-year-old girl, have been shot Sunday night in a mass shooting along the Danforth that claimed the life of the gunman and an adult female.

Help Needed With OpenOffice

So, I wrote a play in OpenOffice.

Due to the very strange rules of the genre, the briginning portion with the title and characters is formatted completely differently from the body of the play. The margins are different and the page numbering shouldn't even start until the 2nd page of the body of the work (not the 2nd page, the 2nd page of the body of the play).

I have only been able to accomplish this by creating two separate files, each formatted differently. No matter how much I fight with OpenOffice or read about frames, I cannot get it to work. Either the first part ends up formatted like the body or vice-versa.

Is there anyone here with the expertise to merge these things correctly? If I were to send you the two OpenOffice files, could you send me back one file formatted correctly the whole way through.

My goal is to be able to submit a single pdf to festival committees so that they can read it in order from start to finish as one file (or print out just one file that starts at the title and ends at whatever the last line of the play is). I feel pretty stupid trying to submit two documents to them with instructions saying to read one first and then go to the other.

Your help is greatly appreciated.

ETA: Please, please don't write me with some tutorial about frames and how easy they are. I have watched YouTube videos and read hot-to manuals and I am clearly too stupid to understand it. Thanks.

[Split Thread] Pendular Motion (And Relativity)

Mod InfoThis thread is split from The Theory of Relativity thread.
Posted By:Loss Leader

There is a thread on thenakedscientists forum about pendulum and conservation of energy.
The issue is rotational kinetic energy that 'apparently breaks' relativity.

There are many smart people on that forum but nobody is defending relativity.
What's going on? How to debunk the claim?
Some healthy skepticism is needed.

A math question about the moon and an airplane

Math disabled person here asking for assistance.

If an observer is on the ground and the moon is full and at its apex in the sky and an aircraft moving at 400 kph passes in front of on the observers line of sight to the Moon. How do you calculate how long it will be visible while passing said Moon, assume an aircraft of 747 size 1/2 kilometer up?

Thanks in advance to the math smart people.

A Separate Peace by John Knowles

A Separate Peace by John Knowles

I found this at one of the Little Free Libraries around the neighborhood. It was the same edition I had read in high school, same cover and everything, and in great condition, so I thought I'd revisit it.

Before I delve into researching other online analyses I'd like to share my own opinion.

Like Catcher in the Rye, I can not understand why this book is considered such a classic, and assigned reading at most schools at some point in the curriculum. I did have to read it in high school and now 40 some years later frankly only remember about two things from it.

1. The tree, the tree, the tree.
2. The description of a classmate's buttocks.

I know the book is well-written, and even in middle school I was an avid reader so it wasn't as if it's the first time I was forced to read something. Recalling first impression, first sentence:
"I went back to the Devon school not long ago,"
Me: Oh crap, it's an "I" book. I hate "I" books.

Then long descriptions of the setting, which has never really bothered me as in ("It takes three pages to describe a cloudy day!") but it was very factual and never really drew me in to any scene.

Getting into it I also recalled thinking - "This is the grayest book I've ever read." The milieu always seemed to be unpleasantly gray, even in the summer scenes. The characters, especially Phineas (full disclosure, the first time, it took me a couple pages to realize that "Finny" and "Phineas" were the same person) were a bunch of informed attributes. That is, we were told about their personalities but not really shown much by dialogue, or in an engaging way. I have known guys that were compelling in their charisma, I saw none of that here except what I was told.

I know the tree is an important factor in itself, and it's supposed to be all symbolic and ****. I just got really tired of going back to it. I know we must have had discussion in class about all these things but I don't recall a single thing anyone, even the teacher, said about it. I do remember reading and discussing a lot about Catch-22 which we covered in the same year, I think. That was brilliant and unforgettable.

I've been moved by many books, but the climax to this one just left me cold, as if reading a newspaper article.

I'll be checking the net to see other reviews, perhaps to see what I am missing. No, I'm not ever going to read it again.

I'm curious to hear my fellow Forumites' thoughts.

Just the view of kiwi Trans Woman

Georgina Beyer is an MP.

The first openly transgender MP elected in NZ (think it might be the world actually)

She was being interviewed as she has been invited to speak at the Oxford Union and talks about gender issues.

I personally agree with pretty much all she says here.

Having said that I don't think transgenders here get as much hassle as some countries and Im probably biased as I kind of like her.


Edit: Apologise. Topic should be view of "one" Trans woman

samedi 21 juillet 2018

Armed standoff in Trader Joe's

Anyone else watching the ongoing situation in the Trader Joe's in LA?

Maybe a hostage situation....maybe just an injured gunman.

Stand Your Ground Florida, Stand Your Ground

I'm at a loss for words. This man went outside to protect the mother of his son... He saw a man screaming at her. He tried to protect her. And in Florida that means you get shot dead. He bleeds out in front of her and their son.

#1: We can only hope the state attorney does not count being pushed for yelling at someone a reasonable threat on ones life.

#2: Even if the correct thing is done in this case, the law needs to be repealed ASAP.


Britany Jacobs, 24, was sitting in her car in a handicapped parking space outside a Circle A Food Store while her boyfriend Markeis McGlockton, 28, and their son Markeis McGlockton Jr., 5, went into the store.

While the father and son were in the store, Jacobs was approached by Michael Drejka, 47, police said. The two then got into an argument because of where Jacobs was parked, according to police.

"According to witnesses, McGlockton exited the store and walked over to Drejka who was still arguing with Jacobs in the parking lot. Witnesses say McGlockton forcibly pushed Drejka causing Drejka to fall to the ground. Witnesses told detectives that Drejka was on the ground when he took out a handgun and fired one single round at McGlockton striking him in the chest," police said in a statement.


"I don't make the law. I enforce the law," Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said during a news conference today. "The law in the state of Florida today is that people have a right to stand their ground and have a right to defend themselves when they believe that they are in harm."

Go **** yourself Florida.

(Slate) Reddit's r/AskHistorians mod on Holocaust denial: "We ban it immediately."

Wasn't sure where to put this, but might as well do it here. Mods, feel free to move to a more appropriate subforum if there is one.


There can be no debate with Holocaust deniers. That is a core principle of moderating the AskHistorians subreddit, one of the largest history forums on the internet—and a crucial lesson Mark Zuckerberg seemingly does not understand. Zuckerberg got into hot water on Wednesday when he stated that Facebook wouldn’t necessarily remove Holocaust deniers from its platform because people “get things wrong” and because it’s not always possible to understand the deniers’ intent.

This position fundamentally fails to grasp how Holocaust deniers spread anti-Semitic propaganda, underscoring a flaw in how the purportedly neutral platform thinks it ought to handle particularly odious ideas. Conversation is impossible if one side refuses to acknowledge the basic premise that facts are facts. This is why engaging deniers in such an effort means having already lost. And it is why AskHistorians, where I am one of the volunteer moderators, takes a strict stance on Holocaust denial: We ban it immediately. Deniers need a public forum to spread their lies and to sow doubt among readers not well-informed about history. By convincing people that they might have a point or two, they open the door for further radicalization in pursuit of their ultimate goal: to rehabilitate Nazism as an ideology in public discourse by distancing it from the key elements that make it so rightfully reviled—the genocide against Jews, Roma, Sinti, and others.

We remove content that is racist, sexist, or anti-Semitic in nature and ban the offending users from commenting in our forum on a daily basis. While our rules are also designed to combat content like the denial of the genocides against American Indians, Armenians, and others, as well as talking points such as slavery revisionism, Nazi Germany and the Holocaust are two of the most popular subjects on our forum. Questions in these fields often attract scores of Holocaust deniers. This frequent interaction has again and again proven to us that Holocaust denial is a form of political agitation in the service of bigotry, racism, and anti-Semitism. It has also taught us a lot about the strategy of Holocaust deniers online and that the only effective way to stop them from spreading hate and lies is to refuse to give them a platform.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

vendredi 20 juillet 2018

Name a Mars rover


Here's your chance to name the European rover that will go to Mars in 2020.

Currently called ExoMars, the six-wheeled robot needs something a bit more engaging and inspiring for when it lands on the Red Planet.

Astronaut Tim Peake is leading the hunt for a great moniker.

He wants everyone to go to a special website set up for the purpose and enter a suggestion. But don't think "Spacey McSpaceFace" is a goer because this is not an online poll.

All ideas will be put before an expert panel and it is they who will make the final choice.

Security camera recommendations?

I need a camera that does like a 3 day or 7 day loop record, with usable software from a reputable company that allows you to watch replays.

Those Arlos look cool, but I think they are only meant to record events when they are triggered by activity.

Cheaper is better, but definitely not the costco/amazon sketchy chinese software where the company name changes every five minutes and things are only 1/4 thru beta before the product is abandoned

Anyone have a good suggestion?

Laptop Battery

I've been looking for a new laptop battery for a Toshiba Satellite L50-B-1NX. The only ones I can seem to find are 4 cell batteries, does anyone know if this is all they do for this model?

13 dead, several missing following "Duck" boat capsize.

(CNN) - A tour boat carrying 31 people sank in a sudden and furious squall on a southwestern Missouri lake Thursday evening, leaving at least 13 people dead -- including children -- and four others missing, officials said.


jeudi 19 juillet 2018

Why do Republicans hate America and what it stands for?

I'm curious. Why do Republicans hate this country and its principles? Is it really patriotic to support brutal dictators and attack the free press?

Trump tweeted today that the real enemy is the Fake News. This is something you could have heard from Kruschev, Stalin, Hitler and Mao not a US President. The press is not always perfect, but they are not the ones lying non-stop.

This attack on the fourth estate is an attack on our democracy. It threatens our republic.

So my question to the Republicans. Do you stand for truth justice and the American way? Or lies, more lies and a nation totally devoid of principles? Will you ever stand up? Or are you selling out?

Jenny McCarthy encounters a ghost haunting her piano

Or perhaps it was her Google Home. One or the other.

responsive website templates sought

I was one of the early generations of web designers back in the early '90s, so understand the basic principles. However, I've been out of the loop for at least a decade, during which mobile has really changed the technical solutioning. My templates and code libraries are clearly obsolete.

I've decided to build my own website as part of becoming a professional author - I have sketched out the site map an high level requirements. Then I went looking for some more contemporary example pages, I've spent a week or so reviewing source code for what look like stripped down, simple, easy-to-maintain sites with desktop, mobile phone, and tablet dimension/user interface support.

Jesus Haploid Christ, what's with all this code? Are ten thousand lines of css and sass with some javascript baked in really necessary to display even the most basic page now?

Hoping there's a simpler solution that I just overlooked in my research, grateful if somebody could point me in the right direction.

I Need a Professional to Interview for a School Project, Would Anyone Be Interested?

Good day,

I've got a doozy of a project in my Human Resources class this week. Basically, I have to find someone in any professional position related to my major (which is Business Management) and interview him/her in order to create a job analysis. I'm placing the full text of the assignment here in spoiler tags.

1.) Select a job in your chosen field or area of study. You should not pick semi-skilled (Administrative Assistant; Carpenter) or non-skilled (short order cook; restaurant dishwasher) jobs. Choose a professional job such as Manager, Financial Analyst, Project Manager, Customer Service Representative, or generalist or specialist in human resource management (HRM), etc.

2.) Select at least two methods to conduct your job analysis.
Questionnaire and interview or observation and interview are the two most common. [I, isissxn, will obviously be going with interview and questionnaire.]

3.) Select a person to interview, observe, etc. You will need to contact a person who works in the type of job you have selected. Make sure the job you analyze is a professional position. You may select a position in which a family member or friend is employed.

4.) Conduct your Job Analysis using the methods you have chosen. You should include copies of the methods you used in the final project. If you use an interview, include the interview questions; a survey, include the survey, etc.

5.) Document a complete job description for the position. Prioritize the job duties in order of their importance (use a scale that shows the level of importance of the task), and indicate the amount of time spent on each task. Also, indicate the criticality of error if this task is performed incorrectly.
You will need to describe the job duties in some detail. Simply listing a duty using one or two words is definitely not sufficient.

Consider grouping duties together according to functions or broader categories of duties. Each description should begin with a job summary and then detail the job duties and responsibilities.

6.) Prepare an abbreviated job specification specifically focusing on the knowledge, skills and abilities important to success in the job.
Please identify and give the telephone number of the individual(s) you interviewed; I may want to follow up.

7.) Write a memo (formal memo addressed to me; the HR Director) of explaining the methods of job analysis you used, why you chose them, and describe their strengths and weaknesses.

Holy hell, right? It's a lot of work on my end, but the interview portion should be fairly painless if anyone wants to volunteer. We could just email back and forth or PM on here, at your convenience.

I know some people might balk at the caveat my professor attached to Point #6 - identify and give the telephone number of the individual interviewed, as my (clearly insane) prof might want to follow up. I'm pretty uncomfortable asking anybody to do that. I can try contacting him and asking if an email address would be sufficient, if need be. "See, Dr. H, the guy I interviewed lives in Finland, so..." Hey, he never said it had to be anyone local.

My RL friends aren't professionals. They're professional asshats, at best. So I thought I might probe the crowd here before I resort to using my father. (He's retired, but I'm sure he could still describe his former job thoroughly.) I think the idea of the assignment is to branch out a bit, if possible.

Thanks for reading!

Study finds that people show racial bias towards robots of different colours


The majority of robots are white. Do a Google image search for “robot” and see for yourself: The whiteness is overwhelming. There are some understandable reasons for this; for example, when we asked several different companies why their social home robots were white, the answer was simply because white most conveniently fits in with other home decor.

But a new study suggests that the color white can also be a social cue that results in a perception of race, especially if it’s presented in an anthropomorphic context, such as being the color of the outer shell of a humanoid robot. In addition, the same issue applies to robots that are black in color, according to the study. The findings suggest that people perceive robots with anthropomorphic features to have race, and as a result, the same race-related prejudices that humans experience extend to robots.
The paper is linked in the article.

Homework Help - Counterintuitive Results

My son has a simple (he's 9) science experiment for homework. Boil a measurement of water in a tea kettle for X number of minutes (we chose 5 min.)

1. What do you think will happen?
(The assignment is called "Evaporation" so we got this right.)

We're not in a lab so precision is not possible. It's "a tea kettle". Aluminum and something mixed. Holds the liter of water we chose, with room for a bunch more so I'm reckoning it's a 2l kettle. It's a whistling kettle.

We boiled the water and left the whistle-tap closed so it was forcing steam out of just that little hole. But in surprisingly high volume.

2. Evaporation loss: 125ml or 12.5%

Gas hob on high. No better measurement available.


As a secondary experiment, on my suggestion, we put the same amount of water in a 1.5l (fairly small) sauce pan. My (very bad) intuition was that because it had no lid and vapour was free to exit across the entire area of the circle there would be much greater evaporation loss.

Again, gas hob on "high", five minutes rolling boil. But the loss of fluid was less than for the five minutes in the tea kettle. Material? Some kind of Tefal clad aluminum or alloy.

Is there a scientific reason for this other than the obvious.... that we mis-measured. I know that liquids forced through a smaller space at the same initial flow will simply speed up so that the same amount passes through the smaller space at a higher speed. This would perhaps explain if the evaporation rates were the same, but we lost 125ml of water in the tea kettle test and only about 68 in the sauce pan test.

Pressure? The kettle is fairly tightly closed. The saucepan, obviously, is not.

The Mindset...

As most know, I’m in campus law enforcement at a large university. We don’t enforce parking, we have a “Transportation Department” that does that. Still, we get constant questions about the (very convoluted) parking restrictions on campus.

I just had a conversation with a construction worker who was trying to figure out how to unload his tools and then find a place to park. I was explaining the regulations to him and he came out with...”You know what’s wrong with all this? Too many liberals.”

So there you go, guys, those pesky liberals have thier fingers in everything, even parking.

Dawkin's on Allahu Akhbar

This is just a plain weird thing to say:

Has Dawkins cracked up a bit in his latter years?

mercredi 18 juillet 2018

Four-day week experiment an "unmitigated success"

Work less, get more: New Zealand firm's four-day week an 'unmitigated success'


The New Zealand company behind a landmark trial of a four-day working week has concluded it an unmitigated success, with 78% of employees feeling they were able to successfully manage their work-life balance, an increase of 24%.

Two-hundred-and-forty staff at Perpetual Guardian, a company which manages trusts, wills and estate planning, trialled a four-day working week over March and April, working four, eight-hour days but getting paid for five.

Academics studied the trial before, during and after its implementation, collecting qualitative and quantitative data.
Yes please.

jet suit goes on sale at Selfridges

British 'Iron Man' jets through London
British inventor Richard Browning flies in an '#IronMan' style jet suit that has gone on sale at Selfridges for £340k

Tribunal rules "No proof" Canadian boy's migraines caused by Wi-Fi

Report from the CBC:


Originally Posted by
No proof B.C. boy's migraines caused by Wi-Fi, tribunal rules

By the time class let out for the summer in 2016, a Vancouver Island preteen was spending almost all of every school day alone in an empty room, away from his friends. The arrangement left the Grade 6 student feeling "upset, frustrated and angry," his grandmother told the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal. But the reason the boy was isolated was that his mother and grandmother insisted he needed to be kept away from the electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by Wi-Fi, cellphones and other electronics.

Last week, the tribunal dismissed the family's complaint against the Saanich School District, saying there was no proof that EMFs caused the boy's migraines, nausea, insomnia and night terrors. The family had called for 25 per cent of the boy's middle school to be designated as Wi-Fi free.

After a spate of bad news out of Canada (a boy who died from meningitis after receiving care from a naturopathic doctor, and a teenager who died of complications from Type I diabetes because his parents didn't believe he had the disease), it's nice to see some people in authority still believe in science.

I certainly hope this boy, now a teenager, receives medical assessments and treatment for whatever it is that's causing his symptoms. Right now, though, it's not looking good, because his mother is gone down the woo-woo rabbit hole. She'll be interfering with his medical treatment for the next few years until the child gets old enough to seek assistance on his own. Provided whatever's ailing him now doesn't kill him first.

Austrian state mulls limiting kosher meat sale to registered Jews

A regional politician in Austria defended a plan to limit access to kosher meat, conditioning its sale on permits that would be individually issued to observant Jews.

The Wiener Zeitung daily reported Tuesday about the draft decree in the state of Lower Austria, one of nine states that make up the federal Republic of Austria. Gottfried Waldhäusl, the cabinet minister in the state government of Lower Austria who is in charge of animal welfare and several other portfolios, defended the plan as necessary “from an animal welfare point of view.”

Does he really think that a government registry for Jews is a good idea?

Was the Election Legitimate?

Now that we're learning the depths the Russians went to to swing the election Trump's way, I find two things hard to believe: 1) that it had no affect on the election and 2) that the affect it had was so small it didn't change the outcome. Given how close the election was, (1) and (2) seem pretty unlikely. If they're unlikely, then it follows that it's likely Clinton would be president, but for Russian interference. If that's true, why should anyone accept Trump as a legitimate president? And if Trump is not a legitimate president, what's the remedy?

The Theory of Relativity will begin to fall apart in 2016/2017 - Part III


Originally Posted by abaddon (Post 12366397)
There is one key difference though. Nancy has followers.

I think it more likely the Mills thread will produce proof of Hydrinos before Bjarn recruits a single follower.

Mod InfoThis is a continuation thread. It's totally fair to quote from the previous thread to here, it's just that the old thread was getting to large. Enjoy.
Posted By:kmortis

Sensible, family-loving teens behind pregnancy rate drop

I see so many negative remarks online about kids today so I'm drawing attention to something positive.


The BPAS report said this current generation of teenagers appeared to be more sensible, more focused on their education and future careers and wanted to avoid pregnancy.

More than 80% of those surveyed said performing well in exams or succeeding in their chosen career was a top priority, compared with 68% who said spending time with friends was a top priority.

Young people were also more likely to view time with their family as of high importance than time with their friends.

Did Someone Create the Universe?

As I promised, I am going to present a proof that someone created the Universe. But before doing that I am going to state my philosophical position.

I am a positivist. Being one, I reject several philosophical systems including idealism, realism, scientific realism and the Popper doctrine (he called it "deductivism"). Non-positivists might reject my proof; for example, it is not acceptable to the scientific realists and to the followers of the Popper doctrine.

From the positivist's point of view a theory or a statement based on never-ending experiment is false (scientific realists hold the opposite point of view). For example, the statement "The laws of physics will always remain in their current form" is false.

Also, for the positivist a theory based on assumption that could not be proved or disproved is false. Scientific realists see thing differently -- for them such theory could be correct.

There is also another positivist assertion that not everyone accepts. Suppose you have three contradictory explanations of an event. If you can prove that the first two are false this automatically implies that the third one is true, you do not have to prove it. Not everyone accepts this rule -- Popper said that the third remaining statement must be falsifiable in order to be true. But the positivists reject Popper's idea of falsifiability (Popper rejected positivism in return).

Now, the proof itself. There are three contradictory statements:
1). The universe was not created, it always existed.
2).The universe came to be by itself, as a result of some process (quantum fluctuation, maybe)
3).Someone produced the universe.

I'll start with the first statement. Suppose you met someone who claims to be as old as the universe (obviously that person is not the Creator). He might be telling the truth or he might be a liar. However, his past is irrelevant to his claim. Naturally you would ask him what kind of evidence does he have to prove that the universe always existed. The best possible evidence would be a videotape showing all stages of the universe's development. Whether the tape is authentic or it is a fake is irrelevant -- it is of infinite length and it cannot be reviewed in its entirety. Being unverifiable, this statement is false.

Moving on to the second statement. Suppose you met an observer who came to be at the same time the universe was produced, as he claims. He also has a videotape showing the process of creation and further evolution of the universe. From the positivist's point of view this is an ideal scenario -- we have an Observer! But his account of events could be incomplete -- he might have been created after the universe had been produced, but he has no knowledge of this sequence of events. The authenticity of his videotape is irrelevant. His testimony neither proves nor disproves that the universe produced itself. For a positivist his claim is false. However, a person who subscribes to scientific realism might be willing to accept his testimony. Everything depends on the individual's personal views.

The only remaining possibility is that the universe was created by someone. Of course, a person who says that he is the Creator is, most likely, an impostor. But his sincerity or lack of it doesn't matter as far as my logical deduction goes.

It doesn't follow from my presentation that there is only one Creator; as someone noted, there might be billions of Creators. A separate proof is needed to show that the Creator is unique.

I have said nothing about the Creator's identity. He (they) could be god of the Bible, god Brahma, Adi-Buddha, Oden, etc.