jeudi 26 juillet 2018

The Endless Font of Conspiracies

Today I learned the following from a new hire at my work:
  1. 9/11 was faked. In particular, there was no plane that hit the Pentagon and the towers were clearly controlled demolitions.
  2. You don't actually need to have a drivers license to drive, or any kind of license to do anything.
  3. You can buy things using your social security number, because the government (which is a corporation) keeps money in a special secret account that should be yours by right.
  4. Amazon accepts Secret Government SSN Account as payment, though it may get reversed afterwards.
  5. Nobody has ever gone to the moon.
  6. The Earth IS round, probably, although the flat earthers do make some really good points.
  7. We have advanced cloning technology, and celebrities have used it. Magic Johnson, George W. Bush, Dave Chappelle, etc.
  8. Our government is in control of the whole world.
  9. Despite this, most of our taxes go to the Queen of England.
  10. That shooting in Vegas? Yeah that's some sort of government conspiracy.
  11. Enemy of the State with Will Smith was, essentially, a documentary.
  12. ISIS is entirely run by the CIA.
  13. MKUltra is responsible for any number of odd behavior by any number of people in some vague way.

Who knows what knowledge tomorrow will bring?

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