mardi 31 juillet 2018

Putting Down "Uprising"

About a decade ago a former Canadian Forces officer, turned history, political science and security issues lecturer at Queens University wrote a book called "Uprising." In it, the author purported to write a fictionalized account of what a Canadian Civil War would look like with the First Nations on one side and the rest of Canada on the other. It was to be realistic, based on the author's extensive military experience, and depth of knowledge of the potential threat.

It was not well received.

The book is poorly written, full of outdated information about the CAF (some of the information appears to date from the time the author retired, or about 1990...) and chock to the brim with racist assumptions about the First Nations.

Yet it still got published.

One of my soldiers was been working through some of his own issues when he ended up reading this book. The blog I'm linking to here is his deconstruction of what is basically a well dressed version of The Turner Diaries. He's been savaging the writing style, the underlying premises and what this is telling us about the author.

It's an enjoyable deconstruction (the book, not so much) that some here might enjoy. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Putting Down Uprising.

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