So, I wrote a play in OpenOffice.
Due to the very strange rules of the genre, the briginning portion with the title and characters is formatted completely differently from the body of the play. The margins are different and the page numbering shouldn't even start until the 2nd page of the body of the work (not the 2nd page, the 2nd page of the body of the play).
I have only been able to accomplish this by creating two separate files, each formatted differently. No matter how much I fight with OpenOffice or read about frames, I cannot get it to work. Either the first part ends up formatted like the body or vice-versa.
Is there anyone here with the expertise to merge these things correctly? If I were to send you the two OpenOffice files, could you send me back one file formatted correctly the whole way through.
My goal is to be able to submit a single pdf to festival committees so that they can read it in order from start to finish as one file (or print out just one file that starts at the title and ends at whatever the last line of the play is). I feel pretty stupid trying to submit two documents to them with instructions saying to read one first and then go to the other.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
ETA: Please, please don't write me with some tutorial about frames and how easy they are. I have watched YouTube videos and read hot-to manuals and I am clearly too stupid to understand it. Thanks.
Due to the very strange rules of the genre, the briginning portion with the title and characters is formatted completely differently from the body of the play. The margins are different and the page numbering shouldn't even start until the 2nd page of the body of the work (not the 2nd page, the 2nd page of the body of the play).
I have only been able to accomplish this by creating two separate files, each formatted differently. No matter how much I fight with OpenOffice or read about frames, I cannot get it to work. Either the first part ends up formatted like the body or vice-versa.
Is there anyone here with the expertise to merge these things correctly? If I were to send you the two OpenOffice files, could you send me back one file formatted correctly the whole way through.
My goal is to be able to submit a single pdf to festival committees so that they can read it in order from start to finish as one file (or print out just one file that starts at the title and ends at whatever the last line of the play is). I feel pretty stupid trying to submit two documents to them with instructions saying to read one first and then go to the other.
Your help is greatly appreciated.
ETA: Please, please don't write me with some tutorial about frames and how easy they are. I have watched YouTube videos and read hot-to manuals and I am clearly too stupid to understand it. Thanks.
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