vendredi 27 juillet 2018

Police conduct

Lord knows, we’ve seen a lot of threads on police MISconduct. In them, I sometimes make the case that there is a danger of hastily generalizing isolated cases to make a point about such behavior being common, or even endemic. That it’s hard to measure the extent of the problem without some idea of the number of police encounters that proceed professionally, to establish the ratio of good vs bad encounters.

Here’s a single data point:

Yesterday, I was taking a back road shortcut to an appointment in rural N GA. At an intersection were four police cars. They were conducting a driver’s license check and an officer walked up as I rolled down my window. I immediately said, “Be aware, there’s a 9mm on my passenger seat”. I had put it there temporarily, planning to secure it when I left the car. The officer said, “No problem, just don’t reach for it”. I told him I had a Concealed Weapons Permit, and he replied none would even be necessary for a gun in plain sight. A minute later, he returned my license and said “Have a nice day”. And that was that.

I will stipulate that if I had acted nervously, or maybe just been a minority, things might have gone differently. But encounters like this occur thousands of times a day with no fanfare or public awareness. Just something to keep in mind.

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