mardi 26 novembre 2019

14-year-old Florida boy mass murder school plan

He had a map of his school in his backpack. Cops believed a shooting was next, police say


Originally Posted by Miami Herald
A North Florida teenage boy who was accused of planning a mass shooting had a detailed map of his school in his possession, according to the Putnam County Sheriff’s Office.

The 14-year-old Q.I. Roberts Junior-Senior High School student, whose name the Miami Herald is withholding because of his age, was taken into custody Monday afternoon after deputies were warned of a potential shooting threat through the Fortify Florida app.

Deputies immediately responded to the school where they discovered the map in the teen’s backpack. The map also had times by each classroom, detectives say. “Seeing the plans this student made to cause harm to teachers and fellow classmates made my blood run cold,” Sheriff H.D. “Gator” DeLoach said via Facebook.

Investigators found no weapons on campus or in the teen’s possession. Deputies took the student to a Juvenile Justice facility in Daytona Beach later that evening...

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