mercredi 13 novembre 2019

Canadian hockey Commentator Don Cherry in trouble for racist comments

Wasn't sure where exactly this should go. Its about a noted hockey commentator (so it could go under sports), from Canada (so it could go under the 'politics' forum) who made a racist comment (which makes it a social issue.)

Anyone familiar with Canadian hockey probably knows about Don Cherry... Former minor league player who eventually became coach of the Boston Bruins. For the past few decades he has been a commentator, appearing on a segment called "coaches corner" during the first intermission of hockey games, where he comments on various issues: highlighting the actions of certain players and criticizing others. Occasionally his commentary strays into the discussion of other social issues.

Recently, Cherry was complaining about people not wearing poppies (a symbol used to honor veterans) on remembrance day. The trouble is, he mentioned immigrants, and used the term "you people".

"You people that come here, you love our way of life, you love our milk and honey, at least you can pay a couple of bucks for poppies or something like that"

This resulted in his firing.

Unfortunately, Don Cherry has allowed himself to be interviewed on Fox News by Tucker Carlson. Carlson is a noted racist, so getting interviewed by a racist over potentially racist comments seems rather counter productive. Cherry should have been more selective in what media outlets he was going to deal with.

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