dimanche 24 novembre 2019

Did Epstein run a World Satanic Ring?

Most people focus on the under-age sex theme of Jeffery Epstein's notorious parties for the rich and influential.

However, with the British upper classes having been notionally 'named and shamed' (Prince Andrew) for allegedly being a part of a global child-sex ring, culminating in Epstein's controversial death whilst in custody, awaiting charges of child-sex trafficking, there is another aspect to this which adds up to a conspiracy theory.

According to the likes of David Icke - who, not to put too fine a point on it, is considered bat-**** crazy by many - the reason the Metropolitan Police won't act on it and the alleged 'one thousand individuals named' in depositions as being a part of the global 'prostitution ring', as it were, will never have to face charges, is because there really does exist a satanic sex ring and Epstein - runs the theory - is simply one of a line of people who procure teenage sex for the Royal Family. The perception has arisen because names such as Bill Clinton, Donald Trump and of course, Prince Andrew have all been associated with Epstein, who himself is presumably Jewish, having complained of anti-Semitism in his dealings with the authorities. Epstein was also a major donor to the Democratic Party, so there is also politics thrown in.

So, has anyone looked at this angle, other than Icke, as according to him, lowly disc jockey, Jimmy Savile, was also a procurer of under-age sex for the ruling classes, being a close friend of Prince Charles and untouched by the police whilst he was alive. We know Savile hosted all kinds of parties for children, especially the vulnerable at children's homes and in hospitals. Yet although once cautioned to stay away from inviting nine-year-old girls to his home in Yorkshire, according to a newspaper report, he never did have his collar felt.


As for the 'satanic' angle, we know HM The Queen is the UK and Commonwealth 'Defender of the Faith' as one of her titles and Head of the Church of England, so how scandalous is it if the likes of Clinton, Trump and Prince Andrew have allegedly been at parties where frolicking with teens was typical? In this drone video of Epstein's New Mexico mansion hideaway, where Prince Andrew has been known to stay, we can see a structure described as a temple, and there are photos which reveal:


life-sized installation of a crucified Jesus
What? Even if the young ladies were not 'minors', could it be the son of the Defender of the Faith and Head of the Church of England has been romping under a life-sized installation of a crucified Jesus? And what could possibly have been going on in the 'Temple'?

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