jeudi 2 juillet 2020

Trump and the use of Nazi/fascist imagery

We have recently seen a few cases where Trump and/or his campaign has started to use imagery related to Nazi Germany or 20th centry Facism in general.

Now, admittedly, mistakes can be made... Someone may not know the origins of a phrase, or one image looks bad just by coincidince. But the sheer number of these types of incidences is certainly.... curious. Some people might think they are "dog whistles"... deliberatly meant to drum up support among the far right. Others might think that they aren't deliberate, but mistakes where Trump wanted to keep his racism hidden but it ended up showing anyways.

Any that I've missed?


During the 2015 primaries, Trump tweets a picture of an American flag, with the white house and a group of soldiers in the background. However, the solders were actually wearing uniforms based on those used in Nazi Germany.


During the 2016 campaign, Trump quoted Mussolini. "It is better to live one day as a lion than 100 years as a sheep."


During the 2016 election, Trump tweeted a picture of Clinton, a bunch of cash, and a yellow star of David (the same symbol used to identify Jews in nazi concentration camps), which was widely thought to suggest "Clinton is being bribed by Jews". The campaign tried to explain it as being a "Sherrif's star", but the image had previously been posted in a racist forum.


Trump starts to adopt the phrase "America First". Now, that particular slogan had been in use for well over a centry (long before World War 1); however, it had been adopted by anti-interventionalists/pro-Nazi sympathizers during world war 2.

The Guardian

Trump campaign placed facebook ads waring people against 'far left' groups like Antifa. However, the message was accompanied by a red triangle, which was the same symbole used in Nazi concentration camps to denote political prisoners


Trump tweets a video where a Trump supporter is clearly heard shouting "White Power".


Trump's campaign started to produce a shirt with an 'America First' theme. The problem is, the logo tht was used (An eagle, wings spread, head facing right, and perched on a circle) was the same one used by Nazi germany.


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