jeudi 9 juillet 2020

When did Johnny Depp Last beat his wife?

Current court case has Johnny Depp suing the SUN newspaper for claiming he had hit his now ex-wife, Amber Heard.


Johnny Depp today accused Amber Heard of withholding his rehab medicine while he lay 'sobbing like a child' as he from suffered from withdrawal on a pre-wedding detox trip to his private island in 2014, as the actor took the stand for a third day of his libel trial in London.

The 57-year-old gave evidence at the High Court as he sues The Sun for libel after it described him as a 'wife beater' following claims by his ex-wife Heard, 34, that he repeatedly attacked her.

Depp discussed the 2014 trip to the 45-acre island Little Hall Pond's Cay under cross-examination by The Sun's QC Sasha Wass and denied kicking Heard, pushing her and grabbing her by the hair while she nursed him through an 'agonising' withdrawal from prescription painkiller Roxicodone.

He said he retired to the island - where he married Heard in 2015 and which he bought for $3.5million in 2004 - with Heard and a nurse while he tried to kick his addiction to the prescription drug known as 'Roxxies'.

In his witness statement, Depp claimed that Heard 'often intervened and withheld medicine from me' while the pair were on the island, which he described as 'one of the cruellest things that she has ever done'.

Is it worth the negative publicity portraying him as a raging druggie and alcohol abuser, just to win a few pounds from the SUN newspaper, assuming he makes millions out of his 'Pirates of the Caribbean' films? Who takes the SUN or Dan Wootton seriously, anyway?

IMV he has made a laughing stock of himself and has irrevocably damaged his own career by airing his dirty washing in public.

If he wins, he might just receive a nominal sum in light of his shockingly abusive behaviour towards Amber Heard. If he loses, well, he has lost his reputation as well as significant legal costs.

The sight of a 57-year-old man lying stoned out of his box on his bedroom floor is not edifying, as shown per photo in the media as evidence.

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