mercredi 28 octobre 2020

Consciousness from Electromagnetism?

Article on my news feed this morning:

I’ve been fascinated with neuroscience for some time now, and I’m well familiar with the “dualism vs. materialism” arguments. I’m definitely in the materialist camp.
We may not know the exact mechanism whereby “consciousness” arises from brain activity, but it seems to be the case by all evidence.
The dualists usually hold out for “something more” but seldom if ever can explain what that might be, or simply resort to “the soul”.

This guy is maintaining that the brain creates an electromagnetic field from which consciousness arises... So (to my mind) his idea would seem to be in the materialist camp, though perhaps a bit more esoteric.
I’m not familiar with any studies demonstrating the existence of any such electromagnetic field, however..... Certainly neuron function is electrochemical, but that activity seems largely confined to the neurons themselves.
We can pick up traces of such activity using sensitive devices on the scalp.

Interesting to see what contemporary neuroscience thinks of this notion.

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