mercredi 14 octobre 2020

Jacinda Ardern - International Hero, Domestic Failure

Just to balance the scales a little - and since no NZ newspaper dare print anything negative about St Jacinda - I see several international news outlets have decided to put the spotlight on her failings.

She is feted worldwide for NZ's Covid response, which is a bit silly since all she did was follow the guidelines set by scientists, but in terms of action on NZ's other problems, she has been abysmal, failing on every metric.

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I will note in her defence that several things she did try to do have been stymied by her coalition partners, so it's not entirely her fault.

She is about to cruise to an immense victory in our election, being held this Saturday, while her handbrake coalition partner is about to be unceremoniously dumped from Parliament, so there's some hope she will look to implement some genuine reform during this coming term.

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