mercredi 21 octobre 2020

Wi-Fi in and around a Metal Building

We have some land in the country. We built a metal shop that will likely be our only building for the next year or maybe longer.* We visit the area a lot and need to get cable internet service there to make such trips possible. When we do get internet the router and such will be inside the corrugated galvalume** steel building. We will often be outside the building, either on the porch or in a travel trailer or just out under the trees.

Will we get any wifi signal outside? Will we need some sort of repeater to have outside signal? Would a mesh wifi router setup work?

*Once we build a house down there I'll come back to ask about how I can get the signal from the shop over to the house 100 feet away.

**Galvalume is a coating consisting of zinc, aluminum and silicon that is used to protect a metal (primarily steel) from oxidation. It is similar to galvanizing in that it is a sacrificial metal coating which protects the base metal.

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