vendredi 27 juin 2014

EU - Juncker to be commission president


EU leaders meeting in Brussels are expected to confirm former Luxembourg PM Jean-Claude Juncker as the next president of the European Commission.

The move comes despite strong opposition from Britain.


This is another case of the UK being unhappy about further EU integration but losing out to the majority view. While the news itself is not welcome (even as a EUrophile, I believe that there is a need for reform) what has me scratching my head is the notion that somehow the rest of Europe would follow the UK despite our failure to engage properly.

This same UK arrogance crops up again and again in important things like the EU and less important things like the selection of a location of the World Cup and voting in Eurovision. The UK stands there arrogantly telling everyone that they're doing it wrongly and yet expects them to vote in support of us - just because.

If we in the UK want to get serious about reforming the EU then we need to be more, not less, engaged so we can better influence the outcome.

I fear that David Cameron will now throw his toys out of the pram, even further reducing our standing and influence within the EU.

edited to add.....

Angela Merkel is being painted as the villain of the piece for retreating from a position of supporting David Cameron's opposition to Jean-Claude Juncker. Apparently this reversal was due to the Germans re-enforcing their position of support for further EU integration.

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