lundi 30 juin 2014

If You Were Scottish How Would You Vote?

OK, there are lots of comments online from Scots as to whether they want to stay or leave the union, I'd like to hear from non-Scots. If you were Scottish would you vote to leave the union or stay in it?

I think I'd vote yes for independence - due to the following reasons:

1) Whitehall barely knows or cares the north of England exists - let alone Scotland. Independence would actually mean being governed by politicians who care about the region.

2) There are many small countries around the world which are viable - no reason that Scotland can't be one of them

3) The economic arguments for and against are massive unknowns - but then any predictions made by the same dismal science that utterly failed to predict or understand the global financial crisis needs to be taken with a very large pinch of salt. Economists only seem good at predicting things once they have already happened.

4) It would be an opportunity to have a genuine centre-left government.

What do you reckon and why? Yes or no to independence?

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