lundi 28 septembre 2015

Islam is a death cult according to Richard Hobbs

I overheard a conservative guy saying that sharia law was a death cult and decided to google it and came up with two people who recently used the term, "death cult," Googling I learned Obama used the term to describe ISIS. The article writer Richard Hobbs took it a little further and published an article in the prestigious New English Review entitled "Islam a death cult." I thought "WOW" I got to read that it sounds really interesting but, pretty much most of what he described could be used against most religions including the Pentagon which the writer used to work for. He was a former combat infantry officer and I am really glad he wrote the article. Apparently he has written a few others. I did lose interest but maybe someone can reinterest me. heres the link.

Ps. actually New English Review might publish anything they can get their hands on I don't know. I have half a mind to write up a flaming rant of an article and send it over there to see if they publish it and send me 20 bucks or something.

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