mercredi 30 septembre 2015

What are the benefits of race mixing? Hybrid vigor?

I received this message from a moderator.

Originally Posted by Agatha

Originally Posted by Red Baron Farms

Originally Posted by ryu238 (Post 10902246)
I keep hearing things like hybrid vigor thrown around.

If you want a serious answer. Human races as a general rule are too closely related to show true hybrid vigor...for the most part. If seen at all, it will generally be so small as to be within normal variation, like any coupling. This is partly due to a genetic bottleneck in humans occurring approx....~100,000 years ago to as long as ~200,000 years ago +/-. Which by the way is close to the development of modern humans. They may in fact be related. The bottleneck is likely what refined the population from a very diverse genetics, to what we call modern humans now.

If you want to talk about race and it's potential relation to hybrid vigor, you really need to go back to shortly after this bottleneck. It by and large isn't something to be seen anymore. But potentially depending on how the evidence is interpreted, this population that went through a long term genetic bottleneck in Africa then spread throughout the world. As they spread, they encountered isolated pockets of remnant populations of archaic humans. There was some interbreeding. The offspring of those matings could indeed have shown hybrid vigor. They were different enough. It could even help explain how modern humans spread so fast. It is even possible that part of what we see as "racial traits" could be, at least to a small degree, the last genetic relics of those archaic populations that were encountered and partly absorbed before they died out.

Of course this is controversial to say the least. And while there is evidence, it certainly isn't conclusive. It isn't even the majority scientific opinion. But it does explain a few anomalies that the majority view can't.

In my opinion, racism clouds the issue. That's because if this hypothesis is true, it's not some mythical Aryan race that is pure with all the others "mongrels". Instead it is the Sub Saharan Africans that are closest to the pure ancestral humans that succeeded more than any other populations. And all the other races, including Europeans, that are the "mongrels" with those so called "primitive" ancestral archaic humans in their genetic makeup. (to a very small degree) Our racist society even now simply can't come to grips with this concept. It even biases scientific research IMHO.

Hi Red Baron Farms,

Although the thread in which your post appeared has gone to AAH, your post is one of only two which is being given moderator permission to be reposted in an appropriate thread - or if you wish, you may use your post as an opening post for a new thread.

Kind regards,


So in accordance with the Moderators instructions, I am starting a new thread if anyone else wants to add serious commentary. Please keep it on topic (human races and/or hybrid vigor), scientific, and according to forum guidelines. Thanks in advance.:D

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