vendredi 23 octobre 2015

The new target: Birth Control

So, there's this thing called The World Congress of Families going on.


The World Congress of Families is a project of the Illinois-based Howard Center for Family, Religion and Society, founded in 1997 by conservative historian Allan Carlson. The Howard Center has a relatively small budget — less than half a million dollars in 2013 — but works with organizers and funders in host countries to throw what it calls the “Olympics” of social conservatism.
A big part of their agenda is promoting what they call "The Natural Family" which, among other things, means stamping out homosexuality and women wanting to do anything but be baby factories.


In Carlson’s and Mero’s “natural family” dream, they “envision young women growing into wives, homemakers, and mothers; and we see young men growing into husbands, homebuilders, and fathers.” For women, this involves rejecting what they call the “contraceptive mentality” and opening their homes to “a full quiver of children” — a nod to the “Quiverfull” ideology promoted by the self-proclaimed “Christian patriarchy” movement.

And part of this brave new world of theirs is getting rid of legal birth control.

The makers of a film that argues we need to make contraception of all types illegal will be attending the congress. These are people who actually advance arguments that birth control is legal so that more women get pregnant and therefore need more abortions. Which is the kind of weirdly paradoxical logic that seems more like a plan Cobra Commander would come up with when high on mescaline. Why someone wants more abortions is sorta left to the imagination. The fact that abortions rates are actually inversely correlated with birth control availability is just conveniently ignored.

So, anyways, this is now the new thing. They aren't content to just make abortion hard as heck to get now they want to take away birth control too.

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