dimanche 28 février 2016

Huntington Women Charged With Fabricating UAlbany Hate Crime: Police

An interesting case mostly for how the members of the 'Outrage Culture' responded to the initial claims.


ALBANY, NY- Two Walt Whitman High School graduates are among the three black University at Albany students who falsely claimed to be victims of a hate crime and are now facing the consequences, the school announced Thursday.

Related to this is something from the blog of author Caitlin R. Keirnan:


As a lifelong liberal, I never imagined I'd see the emergence of something that can very accurately be called "liberal intolerance" doing so much damage on college campuses. When I was in college (1983-1991), we fought conservatives and religious fundamentalists for unrestricted free speech and access to all art and literature, not just that which we agreed with and didn't find offensive or disturbing.

Now that is something I can agree with... The nightmare of John Brunners "The Jagged Orbit" is getting closer and closer every day...

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