vendredi 26 février 2016

Some thougts about the applications of gravitational waves

When I heard the news about LIGOs discovery of gravitational waves, I didn't put to much thoughts into it. But I did recognize the importance, that this further proves that Einstein theories about the nature of cosmos still holds to this very day. That our technological infrastructure that depends on this intelligent man's ideas is very relevant and that we can safely rely on it.

It wasn't until days later that this came to mind: Recently the Planetary Society launched their solar sail. Even though photons have no mass, we can still use these particles for propulsion.
What about a gravitational sail? I know this sounds rather far fetched and I might be wrong about how gravitational waves actually works. And that they don't behave like the kind of "waves" we normally think about. But wouldn't it be rather cool to "surf" on these cosmic waves?

I'll tell you this. I'm no expert in physics, nor have I a degree in it. But hopefully some day I might be better at grasping the ideas of physics. I'm bad at math so that probably makes it worse, but still my quest for knowledge will lead me the way to a better understanding of these principles of nature. So if anyone can correct me on this issue please go ahead.

To be honest, I haven't read anything regarding the applications of this discovery anywhere, but if you have. Feel free to give any links about it. Thank you.

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