dimanche 27 mars 2016

Bill To Make Texting While Walking Illegal

Should Big Brother protect us from ourselves in this way? My answer - no.



New Jersey.
A bill proposed this week by Assemblywoman Pamela R. Lampitt (D., Camden) would impose a fine of up to $50 and possibly 15 days in jail for pedestrians caught using their cellphones without hands-free devices while walking on public sidewalks and along roadways.
What about reading books, or having an intense conversation, or looking at a pretty shiny thing in a store window, or being distracted by all the advertisements covering every square foot of space downtown?


Since 2009, pedestrian fatalities have increased by 15 percent to 4,735 in 2013, the report said. Nearly two million pedestrian injuries were related to cellphone use, the report said.

The survey of more than 1,000 children between ages 13 and 18 found that 47 percent of those who said they were hit or almost hit were listening to music, 20 percent were talking on the phone, and 18 percent were texting, researchers said.
Why are they picking on texting when nearly 3 times as many cheeeeldren are getting hurt listening to music? Hmmmm?

I've always thought that being stupid should be illegal and that a "stupid" law would cover 99% of all current crimes.

About the bill being unlikely to go anywhere:

"If it builds awareness, that's OK," the lawmaker said. Similar bills have failed recently in New York state, Nevada, and Arkansas.
A TV commercial/PSA would be more effective then a failed bill that only we here at ISF even know about ;)


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