dimanche 27 mars 2016

Press and Politicians Silent About Palmyra

Recently Palmyra was recaptured from ISIS by a combined effort of Syrian, Russian, Iranian and Hezbollah Forces. ISIS was routed and sent to the desert where they are being cut to pieces as they retreat. Definetly, this is the biggest victory over ISIS in two years, and yet the Western Press and Politicos are strangly silent.

Hell...not even the news really mentions all the facts. Here's an excerpt about the victory from the USA Today:

"Syrian government forces backed Sunday by Shia militias and unrelenting Russian airstrikes recaptured the ancient city of Palmyra from Islamic State militants..."


The "Shia Militias" that are referred to are, of course, Hezbollah and the Iranian Guards. Gawd...it's such a bitter win, isn't it? The Butthurt must be epic!

Meanwhile, CIA-Armed Syrian Militias are shooting at Pentagon-Armed Syrian Militias: http://ift.tt/1pR3Mxg

Seriously...you just can't make this up!

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