mardi 28 mars 2017

My irritation with the use of the term "reform"

Although "reform" technically can apply to any rearrangement or modification, in the USA "reform" is often viewed as selectively applying to improvements. When we refer to a "reformed" criminal we are not usually referring to a criminal whose behavior and skills have made him/her a even worse blight on society.

I well remember when Reagan referred to his changes in tax policy as reforms, and I see the same approach now being employed by Trump. I fully understand their desire to couch their proposed changes in this fashion, but I am irritated by the eager willingness of the press to adopt this same terminology.

I recognize that certain political groups and individuals do view these changes as improvements, and I do not wish to debate this issue in this thread. But clearly other groups view these changes as very negative. Therefore I think that the press should use terms such as "change" or "alter" rather than mindlessly buy into and propagate the political spin implied by "reform."

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