jeudi 30 mars 2017

Using TOBS to Get Relief from Chronic Pain

Refer to my former thread in this forum entitled "Can TOBS Defeat Radical Islamic Terrorists?" for the explanation of what TOBS (the Theory of Body Signals) is. Briefly, God communicates with us, his children, in many different ways. These include the scriptures, prophets, prayer, the Holy Ghost, etc.

I have discovered that God has another subtle method of letting us know his will. TOBS manifests as itches, muscular twitches, pains and cramps. See the former thread for a more complete discussion of this phenomenon as it relates to getting radical Islamists to stop justifying jihads.

Sometimes we are confused, uncertain, mistaken, or in error about spiritual truths, and God teaches us through the body signal system how to correct our mistakes.

An example: Sven has been in a quandary about how to discipline his unruly child. Whenever he loses patience and threatens to spank her, Sven gets a muscular twitch on his left arm. If Sven repeatedly swats his child in an impatient manner and develops a pattern of child abuse, he will get pains in his left shoulder blade, and possibly his left leg and other places. After a while he starts to justify his abuse, and the BS's get more and more painful and persistent.

So how does TOBS get Sven out of pain and back on track? There are no easy answers for him--Jesus said that he who offends a little one would be better off with a millstone tied around his neck and dropped into the sea. So Sven must repent of his abuse and endure the consequences of his actions. As he repents over time, the BS's will guide him and get his life turned around. Understanding how God's Justice, Mercy and grace work is fundamental to getting relief from chronic pain and ultimately forgiveness of our sins.

Any questions or comments?


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