jeudi 22 mars 2018

Libertarian Tipping

How much do you tip a libertarian?

A. A stingy five gradians.
B. A modest but decent fifteen gradians.
C. A very generous twenty five gradians.
D. None of the above.

Obviously, D.

Since the Trump administration wants to change the rules on tipping.


The Trump Administration Wants To Let Bosses Keep Their Workers’ Tips by Alexia Fernández Campbell

The new rule would allow restaurant owners to do two things in particular.

First, it would let employers collect the servers’ tips into a pool that would
be shared with back-of-the-house workers — dishwashers, cooks, etc. —
who have to be paid the regular minimum wage and aren’t typically tipped.

Restaurant owners say that back-of-the-house workers should get a share
of the tips because they contribute to a customer’s overall experience, but
labor rights groups and servers argue that restaurant owners should just
pay those workers better, instead of using servers’ tips to subsidize their pay.

But the second way employers could use the tips goes even further than
expanding this type of tip pooling. The rule lists examples of how else
employers could use a worker’s gratuities: to renovate their restaurants,
lower menu prices, or hire more workers.

In other words, it allows restaurant owners to keep the tips for themselves.

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