jeudi 22 mars 2018

Make America Great Again: from when and is it needed?

One of the slogans of the Trump campaign was "Make America Great Again." I'm interested in the opinions of fellow forumites on when the United States was "great" (by whatever criteria you wish to use), whether it's good to return to that era, and even if it's necessary to do so.

For me, a Canadian from the tail end of the Boomer generation, the "great" America was the early 1970s. American technology had put men on the moon and returned them safely to the Earth. The space race spurred a great interest and investment in education, resulting in the tech boom of the 1980s and 1990s. Black people were seeing hope after the marches of the 1950s and race riots in the 1960s. People were waking up to the fact the Viet Nam war wasn't going well and pushed to end it. My (probably rose-tinted) view of the States at the time was one of great optimism. All that despite the fact Nixon was in the White House and the Cold War was going full blast.

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