jeudi 3 mai 2018

Evolutionary advantage of Type 2 Diabetes?

T2D is such a common genetic disease there must be an advantage to it, or it would have been eliminated from the gene pool.

My theory is that it is not just "thrifty genes", but another system all together.

Seems the disease is only superficially the high blood sugar called Diabetes. The real root is "insulin resistance", where in your cells do not accept insulin the way they ought to. So your sugars go high, as in after a meal, for everybody including healthy subjects. At which point your pancreas puts out enough insulin to lower sugars. Meantime, you have perhaps ten times the circulating insulin level. Eventually the pancreas reaches it's limit, and your sugars stay high- diagnosed as Diabetes.

Those high levels of insulin act as- get this- 'Insulin like Growth Factor' ! (Who would have thought that insulin can act like an insulin-like compound? :D ) That IGF is what the body builders and wrestler use, called 'steroids'.

So, my theory is that those of us with the T2D gene can grow larger and stronger, and that is the evolutionary advantage that has kept the T2D in the gene pool.

Go ahead and google <pseudo acromegaly> See why diabetics have more carpal tunnel, trigger fingers, blown discs, tendinopathy, bone spurs, arthritis, cardiomyopathy, enlarged hearts, ... all the symptoms of Andre the Giant, Hulk Hogan, and soon, Arnold Schwarzenegger....

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