vendredi 26 juillet 2019

How a literal grassroots movement can Heal the Land.


Originally Posted by Minoosh (Post 12767201)
Why, because we have so much time before it is needed?

We have about 50-100 years to have a plan not only in place, but fully functional and actually drawing down legacy CO2 levels. This is an astonishingly short period of time. It is urgent, but it can be accomplished without panicking.


Originally Posted by Minoosh (Post 12767201)
Difficult when some are so into denial that AGW is even a thing.

What problem? No matter how much you want a bottoms-up solution, it won't get anywhere without buy-in that it is a problem.


Originally Posted by Minoosh (Post 12767201)
Oh, those fancy-shmancy "scientists." What do they know? /sarcasm

The science is robust, but where many scientists have shot themselves in the foot is in delving too deep into other spheres of influence they ought not. Just because a scientist might be spot on correct about AGW , doesn't mean he knows a damn thing about politics, forming coalitions between society and business, marketing, macro-economics etc etc etc... And these are the sorts of factors primarily causing push back.


Originally Posted by Minoosh (Post 12767201)
Despite your optimistic blueprint I don't share your assessment that there is plenty of time to reach this consensus you cherish.

I am not so sure of that myself. I only know that I am absolutely 100% putting all my effort into making it happen.


Originally Posted by Minoosh (Post 12767201)
Yeah, I hope I'm wrong. But I don't see how you get there without any give so far on the part of people who hate science and accept as an article of faith that the short-term profits of monoculture trump stewardship.

I agree it will be much more difficult, but I do have a back-up plan.


Originally Posted by Minoosh (Post 12767201)
This is not the thread for that discussion. But I am interested in how to bring about this global epiphany you believe is, or least can be, right around the corner, without any top-down influence.

What would we call the split thread?

"Toward a new paradigm: Widespread support for permaculture can solve AGW in one generation," maybe. "How a literal grassroots movement can reverse catastrophic climate change."

The thread with be partly off topic in every forum there is in ISF. This is because holistic management means "whole", So the political parts of the plan will be off topic in the science forum and the business forum, the science part of the plan off topic in the political and business forum, and the business part of the plan off topic in the science and political forum. And of course there is more to this than only just science, political, and business.

And that's just the ground up back-up plan should me and thousands of others be unsuccessful in our top down strategies.

I cant possibly detail the whole thing here anyway but as a general outline there is a highly profitable business model that I propose we use to organize disparate sectors already present to form a grassroots coalition. They claim that it only takes 10% of the population to cause a revolution if they are dedicated, organized, and funded. I don't know if that true, but we have an actual majority, so if we organize and fund it correctly, it should work.
So because it is a business plan the profit potential can attract investors, and if the business embedded 20 farm to forks in each of the top 50 US cities, with each business seen as a "demonstration farm" for the local sectors and farmers already present that represents 1000 hubs dedicated to building the infrastructure required to accomplish this profitably even if the government still resists. Each of the hubs educating both other farmers and local customers by the 100's and 1000's each. More importantly, it is 1000 millionaire business people in the local chamber of commerce of their respective local cities, using exactly the same tactics to sway local politicians...and since organized nationally....national politicians. Once we have "captured" the US with good food, we can push for international.


Originally Posted by Minoosh (Post 12767201)
I'm really interested on how you can boil your position down to 20 words or so. It must be simple to reach simpletons. Not farmers; the GOP.

Others smarter than me already have.

"If all farmland was a net sink rather than a net source for CO2, atmospheric CO2 levels would fall at the same time as farm productivity and watershed function improved. This would solve the vast majority of our food production, environmental and human health ‘problems’." Dr. Christine Jones

That one is not bad from a scientific POV.

To the anti-science hard core religious right I would say it differently by using the language that means exactly the same thing, but in a way that communicates this dynamic which emphasizes good stewardship of the land doctrine.

2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land."

IMHO a coalition could be formed if we take this approach. There is even a top climate scientist who brings both these to the table, Katharine Hayhoe
She is even on public TV.

As for me the best one I personally was capable of figuring out was this:


There is more carbon missing from our soils worldwide than the additional carbon in the atmosphere since the beginning of the industrial age.

So yes we can reverse Global Warming.

It does not require huge tax increases or expensive untested risky technologies.

It will require a three pronged approach worldwide.
  1. Reduce fossil fuel use by replacing energy needs with as many feasible renewables as current technology allows.
  2. Change Agricultural methods to high yielding regenerative models of production made possible by recent biological & agricultural science advancements.
  3. Large scale ecosystem recovery projects similar to the Loess Plateau project, National Parks like Yellowstone etc. where appropriate and applicable.

I am an organic farmer. I am not afraid of change. I am the change. -
That's obviously more than 20 words, but it is best I have so far. I have been working on condensing it for years into an advertisable soundbite. But it isn't necessarily easy for me. I am not some really great talented writer.

So to pull it all together We take a profitable conservative business model and creatively repeat and use it to affect biophysical, political, and cultural change.

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