mercredi 24 juillet 2019

"ONE SQUAD UNDER GOD!" chant at Trump rally

This kind of fell below the radar the last couple days (what with the Congressional Mueller hearings and all) but when I saw the clip I was damn near horrified.

The entire transcript follows (link) and even just skimming through it makes my heart sink. (sorry, couldn't find a video clip)

Transcript - remarks-president-trump-turning-point-usas-teen-student-action-summit-2019/


So, above all else, we know this: That, in America, we don’t worship government, we worship God. (Applause.) Right? (Applause.)

AUDIENCE: One squad under God! One squad under God! One squad under God!

THE PRESIDENT: No, I’m not disavowing that. They’d like me — “Would you disavow that?” No, thank you. (Laughter and applause.) The squad. No, it’s very good. Very true.
After a clip I got the impression that he thought they were calling him God.

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