samedi 9 mai 2020

Covid - Blacks/Latinos overwhelmingly ticketed by NYPD

Blacks and Latinos are overwhelmingly ticketed by NYPD for social distancing violations


Originally Posted by CNN
More than 80 percent of those who were issued summonses for social distancing violations in New York City were people of color, according to data released Friday, confirming what advocates and local elected leaders have clamored about after the enforcement started over six weeks ago.

The data revealed 374 summonses were handed out from March 16 to May 5, averaging less than 10 summonses a day over the 42-day period. And of that total, 193 of those issued summonses were black and 111 were Hispanic, according to the New York Police Department.

All told, 81% of people issued summonses were black and Latino.

"When I saw those numbers I found them to be an indicator that something's wrong and we need to fix it. And we will fix it," Mayor Bill de Blasio said at a press conference on Friday.

The summonses were issued for what the NYPD said were violations of emergency procedures and acts likely to spread disease.

Over the six-week period, there were 17 social gathering incidents, which accounted for 163 of the summonses...

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