mercredi 6 mai 2020

Nepotism on the Ark

I’m sure this has addressed but I can’t find it.

There are all sorts of moral problems with the story of Noah but the problem that always bothered me, and very few people seem to discuss, is that Noah’s family escaped the flood.

According to the Bible Noah was the only righteous man in all the land and yet he tells Noah to take his family with him on his lovely cruise. Why?? Why would he assume his family members were righteous? If Noah was truly the only good person it goes without saying that his family members weren’t, so why were they on the ark?

God created quite a challenge for himself. If there is only one righteous person how does he repopulate the world with equally righteous people, but by including Noah’s family wasn't the great dipstick in the sky creating the exact same problem he was trying to solve?

How do apologists weasel their way around this problem?

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