vendredi 13 novembre 2020

2024 Republican Primary

Since election campaigns start earlier every cycle, why not speculate on who will throw their hat into the ring for the Republicans in 2024. Here's my list. some are serious, some are half-joking.

Donald Trump - Socialite turned game show host who lost the 2020 election1
Tom Cotton - Senator from Arkansas. Seems to be more focused on trolling the libs than actually governing. One top two contestants to be 2024's Scott Walker.
Jeff Flake - former Senator from Arizona. Graduate of the Susan Collins School of Furrowing Brows.
Larry Hogan - Governor of Maryland. acted responsibly in the face of COVID-19 and now looking to leverage that into being humiliated on the national stage.
Ben Sasse - Senator from Nebraska. Other top contender to be 2024's Scott Walker.
Nikki Hayler - former Governor of South Carolina and ambassador to the UN. Mortgaged promising political future to suck up to a game show host.
Ted Cruz - Senator from Texas. Also voted Most Punchable Face in Politics. Rumored to be the Zodiac Killer.
Marco Rubio - Senator from Florida with no dignity.
Rand Paul - Senator from Kentucky who cosplays as a doctor and earned a beating from his neighbor.
Tim Scott - Senator from South Carolina who is shocked every time people point out the overt racism of the Trumplicans
Some member of the Bush family - because we all need a good laugh
One of the Trump kids - assuming daddy doesn't run 1
Tucker Carlson - Host of the FOX News White Power Hour and poster child for Unearned White Boy Confidence.

Anyone I missed?

1 assuming he is not already residing in a different kind of government housing

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