vendredi 6 novembre 2020

Lame Don predictions

Some speech trump gave recently (I don't remember which), or maybe a short group of tweets with a slightly less berserk & more giving-up tone than they'd been for a while, struck me as if the rage he'd been showing for days was burning him out. Maybe it was just that he was at a certain point in his uppers-downers cycle, but it reminded me of something...

I've gotten the impression that most people expect him to spend the next few months trumping more trumpily than ever, spewing forth a new dense burst of last-minute destroy-everything orders. But I think not; I get the impression that he'll be so depressed & despondent that he'll go strangely, untrumpily quiet, almost like he's trying to hide (which actually might be part of it).

If you're familiar with the video clip from a German movie, portraying Hitler's rage when he realized that it was all over for him, think of not the intense screaming middle bit but the end, when he sits back down and says the last couple of lines with so little energy that his vocal chords barely activate, looking like he'd be crying if he weren't so drained of emotional energy, like he's given up on everything including crying.

We might have already seen the beginning of this withdrawal/retreat, since today was the first whole day of everybody being pretty sure of the results all day, and he doesn't seem to have done or said anything in particular today. So maybe I'm a day late doing this, but at least at this point those who expect more loud trumpy noises from the White House for months can still think either my impression of today is wrong or it's just today and he be back to his usual trumpiness again soon.

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