mardi 24 mai 2022

US Military Renaming Commission Makes It's Recommendations.....

Glad to see the Confedeate names will be gone, but could quibble about some of the replacments.
I sort of like the tradition of naming US Army bases after Great US soldiers, and so not thrilled with Bragg being renamed Fort Liberty. Since the bases main function is as the main center for US Airborne Forces, I would perfer Fort Gavin or Fort Ridgeway, after the two outstandind airborne commanders of World War 2.
I respect Hal Moore, and he wrote one of the great books on Vietnam in "We Were Soldiers Once...And Young". but I think there are great US Generals who are more deserving. Sherman and Bradley come to mind.
But these are quibbles, the main thing is the bases will no longer be named after traitors.
And bad generals.Aside from being a Rebel, Braxton Bragg was a lousy general whose mistakes were a major factor in the South losing the war.

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