mercredi 6 juillet 2022

Dear Admins...

I figured I'd stop being off-topic in the "Dear Users" thread, and make my own thread about the point of view from the other side. (If any mod wants to move my messages from "Dear Users" here, it would probably make sense.)

So anyway, let's get the stories started. I'm not making any of this up.

So at this point I'm on the supplier portal dev team for a company which shall remain nameless, because let's not name and shame. Just our backend services are being the backbone of literally two dozen application dealing with everything from buying screws to invoices to sharing technical documents, transferring that stuff to other systems like SAP, and so on. We have a couple of terrabytes of everything those apps wanted to save, ranging from again technical documents and invoices, to one smart guy (*cough*my brother*cough*) who figured out that if they can save any document here and has to write one module to save documents here anyway, he's even saving all emails to and from the suppliers on our server. Well, fair enough, it IS business data.

So, you know, the kind of system that's kinda important to not lose the data or have downtime.

So at one point, after half a decade of it and the aforementioned terabytes of data, a couple of us and our boss are having a meeting with the server admins about our backups. The topic is basically that the nightly backups of all that are pretty much stuffing the Ethernet connection for several hours, by sheer amount of data transferred.

NB, these weren't the two cockwombles from the MQ server. They seemed like people you can have a friendly talk with.

And here comes the facepalm...

At one point the boss asks, basically, so how long would it take to restore that (i.e. how long would the whole bloody portal be down), if just a day's worth of files takes hours to go through the Ethernet port.

The answer is: at this point probably something like six months or so.

Huh? Why?

Well, they've only done incremental backups since day one, for literally half a decade, no full backups in between, so someone would have to load literally about 2000 tapes one by one to restore it all.

We're trying to be polite, but my boss tries to inquire WHY.

Literal answer (well, translated from German): "You only signed that you want it backed up, not that you want to also be able to restore it. Next time be more specific."

I still wonder what they thought was even the point of making backups, if restoring from them is a separate point, not included by default.

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