mercredi 13 juillet 2022

One Weird Thing About Brushing Your Teeth


Hospital-Acquired Pneumonia Is Killing Patients,
Yet There Is a Simple Way to Stop It by Brett Kelman

Hospital patients not getting their teeth brushed, or not brushing
their teeth themselves, is believed to be a leading cause of hundreds
of thousands of cases of pneumonia a year in patients who have not
been put on a ventilator. Pneumonia is among the most common
infections that occur in health care facilities, and a majority of cases
are non-ventilator hospital-acquired pneumonia, or NVHAP, which
kills up to 30% of those infected, Giuliano and other experts said.

But unlike many infections that strike within hospitals, the federal
government doesn’t require hospitals to report cases of NVHAP.
As a result, few hospitals understand the origin of the illness, track
its occurrence, or actively work to prevent it, the experts said.

Many cases of NVHAP could be avoided if hospital staffers more dutifully
brushed the teeth of bedridden patients, according to a growing body of
peer-reviewed research papers. Instead, many hospitals often skip teeth
brushing to prioritize other tasks and provide only cheap, ineffective
toothbrushes, often unaware of the consequences, said Dian Baker,
a Sacramento State nursing professor who has spent more than
a decade studying NVHAP.

How do the bacteria know you're in the hospital?
Good thing this doesn't happen in the wild.
It's just like the five second rule.

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