jeudi 10 novembre 2022

Casuistry for 10 virgins and Jesus their bridegroom


Originally Posted by Thermal
Jesus loves you, Leumas.


Originally Posted by Leumas
I assure you it is utterly unrequited love... unlike those five unfortunate virginal brides (Matthew 25) who loved him but whom he refused to let into the bridal chamber because they were not sufficiently oiled like the other 5 virgins and had to go out to fetch more due to his rude inconsiderate tardiness in coming to perform his bridegroom duties on them behind closed doors... and he left them distraught and out in the dark no matter how much they knocked on the door to let them in.

And I am thinking his love is more like that of David Koresh or Jeffrey Dahmer or Jim Jones... DEADLY that is.


Originally Posted by Thermal
Ok, maybe he doesn't love you.

But you asserted that he loves me, with such certainty I thought you might have gotten it on good authority??


Originally Posted by Thermal
Sidebar: parables really aren't your thing, are they?

Double sidebar: the virgins were bridesmaids, not 10 brides at once for one guy in a wedding. The maids carried lamps to light the nighttime ceremony, not the freaking bride. Did you seriously not understand that or were you just making stuff up?

The above is yet another example of not reading a text properly and reading into it what one wishes it said instead of what the text actually says.

I suggest you read Matthew 25:1-13 CAREFULLY and notice
  • how the text does not say anything about "bridesmaids"
  • but it does say they were all 10 of them virgins going to meet the bridegroom.
  • are "bridesmaids" not allowed to be married or widowed do they have to be virgins... is calling them virgins a relevant point at all if all they are going to be doing is "carry lamps to light the nighttime ceremony"?
  • Matthew 25:10 And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut.
  • do "bridesmaids" go "in to the marriage" with the bridegroom and they "shut the door"?
  • what were they ready for???
  • Matthew 25:11 Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us.
  • why are the other 5 virgins so eager to also enter "in to the marriage" with the other well oiled and ready 5 virgins "behind the closed door" with the bridegroom?
  • why does each one of them need to be well oiled if they are all in the same room holding the lamps for the bridegroom behind the closed door and only the one virgin is being serviced while they all stand there? Don't the 5 lamps light up the room enough???
  • and if the 5 lamps are not enough why does the bridegroom not open the door and let the virgins in then close it again?
  • Matthew 25:12 But he answered and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not.
  • so he knows the other well oiled 5 virgins but it just happens that those not sufficiently oiled virgins he does not know??
  • why does he need to know the virgins if they are only holding lamps behind the closed door??


Originally Posted by Thermal
The maids carried lamps to light the nighttime ceremony, not the freaking bride.

What ceremony??? Why do the virgins need to enter in to the wedding room with the bridegroom??? And why do they need to be virgins??? And why did the bridegroom not let them in when they already became well oiled again??? And why did he close the door with all those well oiled virgins in the room???


Originally Posted by Thermal
Sidebar: parables really aren't your thing, are they?

From the above post it seems that you
  1. misread the verses in Matthew 25
  2. made up words that were not there
  3. misunderstood what the parable is about
The parable is about what it actually says it is about
  • Matthew 25:13 Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.

In other words... it is about the failure of Jesus to arrive on time to perform his obligations and duty as the "bridegroom" on the believers. And the believers' faith dimmed like insufficiently oiled lamps... and Jesus... despite not doing his duty on time and being inconsiderate and rude in his tardiness... punishes the poor believers for not having sufficiently oiled faiths, by leaving them out in the dark despite them begging to be let "in into the wedding behind the closed door" and being well oiled again and ready like the other 5 good and ready virgins.

So as you see the 10 virgins were all meant to be serviced by the bridegroom ... but the 5 who did not have well oiled faith got locked out of the wedding room and not allowed in no matter how well oiled they became later.


Originally Posted by Thermal
...Did you seriously not understand that or were you just making stuff up?

is a question that you should be asking yourself.


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