lundi 21 novembre 2022

Researchers Say They Are Close To Reversing Aging

There have been various threads on this topic over the years, but rather than reviving an old thread I thought I may as well start a new one.

This is a report by NBC News. I wonder if it's anything to get excited about?
Apparently they have managed to make rats younger. They show two rats which we are told are the same age, but one clearly appears to be younger than the other. Also, the researcher is at Harvard, if that makes any difference.


Researchers at Harvard University are investigating whether human genes could reverse the effects of aging. NBC Medical Fellow Dr. Akshay Syal got exclusive access to their lab to discuss the future of how to defy aging.
If you'd rather not watch a 7-minute video, I found an article in the MIT Technology Review:
How scientists want to make you young again

And another from CNN:
The ‘Benjamin Button’ effect: Scientists can reverse aging in mice. The goal is to do the same for humans

Will it happen sooner or later than practical energy from nuclear fusion? Or, indeed, at all? Maybe aging is simply inevitable?

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