dimanche 17 septembre 2023


Came across this weird bit of news about this presentation about aliens, apparently made right in the Mexican Congress, complete with claims of actual bodies of said aliens, and photographs as well:




I guess:

(a) The debunking thing. Easy enough to throw claims out, and easy enough to doctor a photograph or two: but clearly this guy had enough cred to power through right to Mexico's parliament (presumably a high bar, I guess --- or maybe not, I don't really know). And actually debunking something like this takes time and effort --- at the armchair level, as well as at the boots-on-ground level. The first of those two is what we used to see a lot of, in old threads from the million-dollar-challenge days. So if people are interested enough to dig further, then go!

(b) Why would someone do something like this? Is the guy literally crazy? He's sure to be outed, sooner or later, so what's the point? Or maybe he's hoping to get enough fame/notoriety/celebrity-of-a-kind to make some money?

(c) Or... (dramatic whisper) ...are those actually aliens?!


NASA weighs in (simply in terms of asking for clear data, what else can they say after all if they're to be strictly objective):


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