lundi 4 septembre 2023

Waterfox web browser—what is this crap?

Waterfox is a web browser that advertises itself as a "Fast and Private Web Browser. Get privacy out of the box with Waterfox."

So I thought I'd give Waterfox a spin on Windows to see how well it works for a local web page. I had problem, though, in that the Windows system doesn't have access to the web, so I had to download it from another computer. That was my Linux system.

The Download links (there are 4 of them on the main page) only supplied a download for the detected operating system. I tried to find the download page for Windows, but didn't see anything on the usual set of links available at the bottom of the web page.

So I thought I'd let them know about their sub-optimal page setup. There isn't a contact us page in the site.

I checked the documentation to see what it had to say. All I got was "Pardon the emptiness. We’re still working on updating the docs for the new site."

RANT! W T F ? ? WHO PUTS CRAP LIKE THIS ON THE WEB? Why do people make their idiot web pages so bloody difficult to find things? And why is no one interested in feedback? It's almost as if they're living in their own little lala land.

I finally found the main download page for the browser—it's hidden behind the stupid hamburger menu! Sorry, but on a desktop page I shouldn't have to check a bloody unintuitive web interface widget to navigate the site. That's what text menus and links are for!

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