samedi 19 décembre 2015

Global Warming Consensus...except when it matters

It appears that Michael Mann has not had a single - not one - Amicus Brief filing on his behalf in as a result of his lawsuit against Mark Steyn and the National Review for the publishing of Libel associated with Michael Mann's Infamous Hockey Stick Chart of Global Warming.

Meanwhile, Mark Steyn and the National Review have had dozens of Amicus Briefs filed on their behalf...and the number keeps growing.

Now...if Michael Mann's Hocky-Stick Science was just so good, you might think that someone might see fit to file an Amicus Briefing on his behalf - anyone: a Scientific Journal, a Scientific Organization, A Prominent Scientists, or at least...the club-footed girl who works cashier at the local 7-11, a stray dog....anybody?

For that matter, has any Scientist or Scientific Establishment offered to go to court and testify to the validity of Mann's Science? Anyone?

No...of course no one is coming to help Michael Mann...because they do not want to be put on an indelible legal record that would expose them. A record that can not be altered or fluffed with misleading language, and will certainly include rigorous cross examination (which is totally missing from the other Climate Investigations). When the trial comes (provided Mann doesn't chicken out) what will be said in that court about his model will not be disputable.

Thus, given the nature of this Venue - the Court - it doesn't surprise me in the least that Michael Mann stands alone despite what you are told about some mythical Global Warming Consensus.

The Global Warming Consensus - except when it matters.

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